Eib, Constanze, Hellgren, Johnny, Falkenberg, Helena
och Sverke, Magnus, What makes employees and managers see eye to eye concerning organizational justice? Predicting congruence in the Swedish pay-setting context, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2025
Ahmadi, Elena, Managers’ Work, Working Conditions and Wellbeing in Small Companies with Profitable Growth, 2024, Gävle University Press, Gävle
Eib, Constanze, Hellgren, Johnny, Falkenberg, Helena
och Sverke, Magnus, What makes employees and managers see eye to eye concerning organizational justice? : Predicting congruence in the Swedish pay-setting context, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2024, : Sage Publications
Elst, Tinne Vander, Griep, Yannick, Sverke, Magnus
och Witte, Hans De, The Relationship Between Job Insecurity and Psychological Contract Breach as Conditional Upon Causal Attributions : A Within-Person Approach, Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2024, 9 nr 1
Engelkes, Torbjörn, Loyal until death (?) : The nature, measurement and predictors of loyalty in a military context, 2024, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Engelkes, Torbjörn, Sverke, Magnus
och Lindholm, Torun, Predicting Loyalty : Examining the Role of Social Identity and Leadership in an Extreme Operational Environment – A Swedish Case, Armed Forces and Society, 2024, 50 nr 3, s. 607–627
Engelkes, Torbjörn, Sverke, Magnus
och Lindholm, Torun, Predicting Loyalty : Examining the Role of Social Identity and Leadership in an Extreme Operational Environment—A Swedish Case, Armed forces and society, 2024, 50 nr 3, s. 607–880, : SAGE Publications
Klug, Katharina, Selenko, Eva, Hootegem, Anahi, Sverke, Magnus
och De Witte, Hans, A lead article to go deeper and broader in job insecurity research : Understanding an individual perception in its social and political context, Applied Psychology, 2024, 73 nr 4, s. 1960–1993
Klug, Katharina, Selenko, Eva, Van Hootegem, Anahí, Sverke, Magnus
och De Witte, Hans, Seeing the forest for the trees : A response to commentaries on job insecurity conceptualizations, processes and social context, Applied Psychology, 2024, 73 nr 4, s. 2002–2012
Klug, Katharina, Bernhard-Oettel, Claudia
och Sverke, Magnus, The Paradox of Job Retention Schemes : A Latent Growth Curve Modeling Approach to Immediate and Prolonged Effects of Short-Time Work on Job Insecurity and Employee Well-Being, Journal of Happiness Studies, 2024, 25 nr 6
Malmrud, Sofia, Falkenberg, Helena, Lindfors, Petra, Hellgren, Johnny
och Sverke, Magnus, Opportunities and Obstacles in Individualized Pay-setting From a Manager Perspective, Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 2024, 14 nr 2
Rostami, Arian, Police officers under pressure : sexual and gender-based harassment, stress, and job satisfaction in Sweden, 2024, Umeå University, Umeå
Sousa-Ribeiro, Marta, Knudsen, Katinka, Persson, Linda, Lindfors, Petra
och Sverke, Magnus, Meaning of working for older nurses and nursing assistants in Sweden : A qualitative study, Journal of Aging Studies, 2024, 69
Sousa-Ribeiro, Marta, Knudsen, Katinka, Sverke, Magnus
och Lindfors, Petra, To work after retirement : a qualitative study among mental health nursing assistants, Nordic Psychology, 2024, : Taylor & Francis Group
Vesper, Denise, Grzymala-Moszczynska, Joanna, König, Cornelius J., Martínez-Iñigo, David, Sverke, Magnus
och Zickar, Michael J., One opportunity of antiwork : Bringing unions (back) to the I-O table, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2024, 17 nr 1, s. 70–74
Gagné, Marylène, Nordgren Selar, Alexander
och Sverke, Magnus, How Important Is Money to Motivate People to Work?, The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory, 2023,, s. 901–919, : Oxford University Press
Nikolova, Irina, Caniëls, Marjolein C. J.
och Sverke, Magnus, Qualitative job insecurity and extra-role behaviours : The moderating role of work motivation and perceived investment in employee development, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2023, 44 nr 2, s. 547–572, : Sage Publications
Nordgren Selar, Alexander, Gagné, Marylène, Hellgren, Johnny, Falkenberg, Helena
och Sverke, Magnus, Compensation profiles among private sector employees in Sweden : Differences in work-related and health-related outcomes, Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14, : Frontiers Media S.A.
Sconfienza, Carolina, Arbetsrelaterat socialt stöd och lättare psykisk ohälsa : Mätinstrument och samband mellan begreppen, 2023, Psykologiska institutionen, Stockholm universitet, Stockholm
Sverke, Magnus, Ferré Hernandez, Isabelle, Tanimoto, Anna Sofia, Hellgren, Johnny
och Näswall, Katharina, Can unions represent the interests of insecure workers?, Job Insecurity, Precarious Employment and Burnout, 2023,, s. 105–125, : Edward Elgar Publishing
Yüce-Selvi, Ümran, Sümer, Nebi, Toker-Gültaş, Yonca, Låstad, Lena
och Sverke, Magnus, Behavioral Reactions to Job Insecurity Climate Perceptions : Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 nr 9, : MDPI
Annell, Stefan, Sverke, Magnus, Gustavsson, Petter
och Lindfors, Petra, Newcomers Taking Different Paths : Proximal Socialization Outcome Profiles among Police Officers, 15th EAOHP Conference 2022. Supporting knowledge comparison to promote good practice in occupational health psychology, 2022,, s. 532–533, Nottingham : European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
Annell, Stefan, Sverke, Magnus, Gustavsson, P
och Lindfors, Petra, On the same path? Profiles of proximal socialization outcomes among new police officers, Nordic Psychology, 2022, 74 nr 4, s. 301–324, : Informa UK Limited
Eib, Constanze, Falkenberg, Helena, Hellgren, Johnny, Malmrud, Sofia
och Sverke, Magnus, What helps managers being fair? Predicting managers’ self-reported justice enactment during pay setting using the ability-motivation-opportunity framework, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2022, 33 nr 10, s. 2138–2169, : Informa UK Limited
Mathiassen, Svend Erik, Sandén, Helena, Sverke, Magnus
och Wahlström, Jens, Arbetsmiljöns betydelse för besvär och sjukdom i nacke, axlar, armar och händer. En systematisk översikt, 2022, SBU, Stockholm