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SOU 1995:14 Ny elmarknad [ pdf | ]SOU 1995:139 Omställning av energisystemet [ pdf | ]SOU 1995:140 Omställning av energisystemet – Underlagsbilagor – Del 1-4 [ pdf | ]
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SOU 1994:138 Rapport från Klimatdelegationen 1994 [ pdf | ]SOU 1995:96 Jordens klimat förändras – En analys av hotbild och globala åtgärdsstrategier [ pdf | ]SOU 1996:39 Klimatrelaterad forskning [ pdf | ]
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Nordin, Annika, Larsson, Stig, Moen, Jon och Linder, Sune, Science for trade-offs between conflicting interests in future forests [Elektronisk resurs], Forests, 2011, 2 nr 3, 631–636
Skogens kolbalans : många faktorer inverkar, 2000, Bergh, Johan, Linder, Sune, Morén, Ann-Sofie, Grelle, Achim, Lindroth, Anders och Roberntz, Peter, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala
Berg, Johan, Linder, Sune och Bergström, Johan, Intensivodling av gran : en outnyttjad möjlighet, 1999, Sveriges lantbruksuniv., Uppsala
Stockfors, Jan, Linder, Sune och Aronsson, Aron, Effects of long-term fertilisation and growth on micronutrient status in Norway spruce trees, 1997, Faculty of Forestry, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences [Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Sveriges lantbruksuniv.] ; Almqvist & Wiksell International [distributör], Uppsala : Stockholm
Management of structure and productivity of boreal and subalpine forests, 1993, Linder, Sune och Kellomäki, Seppo, Faculty of Forestry, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences [Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Sveriges lantbruksuniv.] ; AWI International [distributör], Uppsala : Stockholm
Linder, Sune, Photosynthesis and respiration in conifers : a classified reference list 1891–1977. Supplement 1, 1982, Swedish univ. of agricultural sciences, College of forestry [Sveriges lantbruksuniv., Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten] ; Liber distribution och Berling, Uppsala : Stockholm och Arlöv
Understanding and predicting tree growth, 1982, Linder, Sune, College of forestry, Swedish univ. of agricultural sciences, [Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Sveriges lantbruksuniv.] ; Liber distribution och Berling, Uppsala : Stockholm och Arlöv
Linder, Sune, McDonald, James och Lohammar, Tomas, Effekten av kvävetillstånd och odlingsljus på fotosyntes och andning hos björkplantor, 1981, Uppsala
Mårshagen, Mikael och Linder, Sune, Säsongvariation i respiration och fotosyntes hos stammar av ett antal salixkloner, 1981, Uppsala
Linder, Sune, Fotosyntes och respiration hos barrträd : sammanställning av litteratur = Photosynthesis and respiration in conifers : a classified reference list, 1980, Uppsala
A gas exchange system for field measurements of photosynthesis and transpiration in a 20-year-old stand of Scots pine, 1980, Linder, Sune, Uppsala
Understanding and predicting tree growth : poster proceedings from a SWECON workshop, September 2–8, 1979, 1980, Linder, Sune, Uppsala
Troeng, Erik och Linder, Sune, Gasutbyte hos ett 20-årigt tallbestånd. 5, Pilotstudie rörande märgborreangrepps inverkan på gasutbytet hos angripna skott under skadeåret = Pilot study on the effects on gas exchange during the attack of pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda L.), 1979, Uppsala
Linder, Sune, Photosynthesis and respiration in conifers : a classified reference list 1891–1977 = Fotosyntes och respiration hos barrträd : sammanställning av litteratur 1891–1977, 1979, Swedish univ. of agricultural sciences, College of forestry [Sveriges lantbruksuniv., Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten] ; Liber distribution och Berling, Uppsala : Stockholm och Lund
Troeng, Erik och Linder, Sune, Gasutbyte hos ett 20-årigt tallbestånd. 3, En jämförelse av fotosyntes och transpiration hos åtta olika trädindivid = A comparison of net photosynthesis and transpiration of eight different pine trees, 1978, Uppsala
Troeng, Erik och Linder, Sune, Gasutbyte hos ett 20-årigt tallbestånd. 4, Ettåriga barrs fotosyntes och transpiration i olika delar av trädkronan = Photosynthesis and transpiration within the crown of one tree, 1978, Uppsala
Bengtson, Curt och Linder, Sune, En litteratursammanställning rörande ekofysiologiska aspekter på gasutbyte hos främst populus och salix, 1978, Uppsala
Linder, Sune, Fotosyntesens dygns- och säsongsvariation hos tallplantor : The diurnal and seasonal changes in net photosynthesis in seedlings of Scots pine, 1977, Uppsala
Troeng, Erik och Linder, Sune, Gasutbyte hos ett 20-årigt tallbestånd : Gasexchange in a 20-year-old stand of Scots pine, 1977, Uppsala
Troeng, Erik och Linder, Sune, Gasutbyte hos ett 20-årigt tallbestånd. 1, Nettofotosyntesens årstidsvariation hos års- och ettårsbarr = The seasonal change of net photosynthesis in current and one-year-old needles, 1977, Uppsala
Troeng, Erik och Linder, Sune, Gasutbyte hos ett 20-årigt tallbestånd. 2, Stamrespirationens variation under tillväxtperioden = The variation in stem respiration during the growth season, 1977, Uppsala
Linder, Sune, Some aspects on pigmentation, photosynthesis and transpiration in nurserygrown seedlings of Scots pine and Norway spruce, 1972, [Umeå]
Linder, Sune, Seasonal variation of pigments in needles : a study of Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings grown under different nursery conditions = Årstidsvariation av pigment i barr från plantor av tall och gran odlade under skilda plantskolebetingelser, 1972, Stockholm
Sune Linder har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Marshall, John, Tarvainen, Lasse, Zhao, P., Lim, Hyungwoo, Wallin, Göran, Näsholm, Torgny, Lundmark, Tomas, Linder, Sune och Peichl, Matthias, Components explain, but do eddy fluxes constrain? Carbon budget of a nitrogen-fertilized boreal Scots pine forest, New Phytologist, 2023, 389 nr 6, s. 2166–79
Zhao, Peng, Chi, Jinshu, Nilsson, Mats, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, Högberg, Peter, Lim, Hyungwoo, Marshall, John, Ratcliffe, Joshua, Näsholm, Torgny, Lundmark, Tomas, Linder, Sune och Peichl, Matthias, Long-term nitrogen addition raises the annual carbon sink of a boreal forest to a new steady-state, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 324, : Elsevier BV
Linder, Sune, Marshall, John och Nordin, Annika, Increased tree growth following long-term optimised fertiliser application indirectly alters soil properties in a boreal forest, European Journal of Forest Research, 2021, 140, s. 241–254, : Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Marshall, John, Peichl, Matthias, Tarvainen, Lasse, Lim, Hyungwoo, Lundmark, Tomas, Näsholm, Torgny, Öquist, Mats och Linder, Sune, A carbon-budget approach shows that reduced decomposition causes the nitrogen-induced increase in soil carbon in a boreal forest, Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 502, : Elsevier BV
Schiestl-Aalto, Pauliina, Chi, Jinshu, Zhao, Peng, Peichl, Matthias, Marshall, John, Näsholm, Torgny, Lim, Hyungwoo och Linder, Sune, Disaggregating the effects of nitrogen addition on gross primary production in a boreal Scots pine forest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 301, : Elsevier BV
Tarvainen, Lasse, Wallin, Göran, Linder, Sune, Näsholm, Torgny, Oren, Ram, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, Räntfors, Mats, Tor-Ngern, Pantana och Marshall, John, Limited vertical CO2 transport in stems of mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees, Tree Physiology, 2021, 41 nr 1, s. 63–75, : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Casetou, Sophie, Grip, Harald, Hillier, Stephen, Linder, Sune, Olsson, Bengt, Simonsson, Magnus och Stendahl, Johan, Current, steady-state and historical weathering rates of base cations at two forest sites in northern and southern Sweden: a comparison of three methods, Biogeosciences, 2020, 17, s. 281–304, : Copernicus GmbH
Vernay, Antoine, Chi, Jinshu, Linder, Sune, Peichl, Matthias, Stangl, Zsofia Réka och Marshall, John, Estimating canopy gross primary production by combining phloem stable isotopes with canopy and mesophyll conductances, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2020, 43, s. 2124–2142, : Wiley
Hansen, Karin, H Halbritter, A, J. De Boeck, Hans, E. Eycott, Amy, Reinsch, Sabine, A. Robinson, David, Vicca, Sara, Berauer, Bernd, T. Christiansen, Casper, Estiarte, Marc, M. Grünzweig, José, Gya, Ragnhild, Jentsch, Anke, Lee, Hanna, Linder, Sune, Marshall, John, Peñuelas, Josep, Kappel Schmidt, Inger, Stuart-Haëntjens, Ellen, Wilfahrt, Peter, ClimMani Working Group, the och Vandvik, Vigdis, The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx)., Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
Lim, Hyungwoo, Oren, Ram, Näsholm, Torgny, Strömgren, Monika, Lundmark, Tomas, Grip, Harald och Linder, Sune, Boreal forest biomass accumulation is not increased by two decades of soil warming, Nature Climate Change, 2019, 9, s. 49–52, : Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Linder, Sune, Distinct seasonal dynamics of responses to elevated CO2 in two understorey grass species differing in shade-tolerance, Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9, s. 13663–13677, : Wiley
Franz, D, Acosta, M., Altimir, N., Arriga, N., Arrouays, D., Aubinet, M., Aurela, M., Ayres, E., López-Ballesteros, A., Barbaste, M., Berveiller, D., Biraud, S., Boukir, H., Brown, T., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Burba, G., Carrara, A., Cescatti, A., Ceschia, E., Clement, R., Cremonese, E., Crill, Patrick, Darenova, E., Dengel, S., D’Odorico, P., Filippa, G., Fleck, S., Fratini, G., Fuß, R., Gielen, B., Gogo, S., Grace, J., Graf, A., Grelle, Achim, Gross, P., Grünwald, T., Haapanala, S., Hehn, M., Heinesch, B., Heiskanen, J., Herbst, M., Herschlein, C., Hörtnagl, L., Hufkens, K., Ibrom, A., Jolivet, C., Joly, L., Jones, M., Kiese, R., Klemedtsson, Leif, Kljun, Natascha, Klumpp, K., Kolari, P., Kolle, O., Kowalski, A., Kutsch, W., Laurila, T., de Ligne, A., Linder, Sune, Lindroth, Anders, Lohila, A., Longdoz, B., Mammarella, I., Manise, T., Mölder, Meelis, Matteucci, G., Mauder, M., Meier, P., Merbold, L., Mereu, S., Metzger, S., Migliavacca, M., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Moureaux, C., Nelson, D., Nemitz, E., Nicolini, G., Nilsson, Mats, Op de Beeck, M., Osborne, B., Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, Pavelka, M., Peichl, Matthias, Peltola, O., Pihlatie, M., Pitacco, A., Pokorný, R., Pumpanen, J., Ratié, C., Rebmann, C., Roland, M., Sabbatini, S., Saby, N. P.A., Saunders, M., Schmid, H. P., Schrumpf, M., Sedlák, P., Ortiz, P. S, Siebicke, L., Šigut, L., Silvennoinen, H., Simioni, G., Skiba, U., Sonnentag, O., Soudani, K., Soulé, P., Steinbrecher, R., Tallec, T., Thimonier, A., Tuittila, E.-S., Tuovinen, J.-P., Vestin, Patrik, Vincent, G., Vincke, C., Vitale, D., Waldner, P., Weslien, Per, Wingate, L., Wohlfahrt, G., Zahniser, M., Vesala, T., Fuss, Roland och Maraňón Jiménez, Sara, Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe´s terrestrial ecosystems: a review, International Agrophysics, 2018, 32, s. 439–455, : Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Jocher, Georg, Marshall, John, Nilsson, Mats, Linder, Sune, De Simon, Giuseppe, Hörnlund, Thomas, Lundmark, Tomas, Näsholm, Torgny, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, Tarvainen, Lasse, Wallin, Göran och Peichl, Matthias, Impact of Canopy Decoupling and Subcanopy Advection on the Annual Carbon Balance of a Boreal Scots Pine Forest as Derived From Eddy Covariance, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2018, 123 nr 2, s. 303–325
Lamba, Shubhangi, Hall, Marianne, Räntfors, Mats, Chaudhary, Nitin, Linder, Sune, Way, Danielle, Uddling, Johan och Wallin, Göran, Physiological acclimation dampens initial effects of elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration in mature boreal Norway spruce, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2018, 41 nr 2, s. 300–313, : Wiley
Linder, Sune, Sampling and collecting foliage elements for the determination of the foliar nutrients in ICOS ecosystem stations, International Agrophysics, 2018, 32, s. 665–676, : Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Tarvainen, Lasse, Wallin, Göran, Lim, Hyungwoo, Linder, Sune, Oren, Ram, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, Räntfors, Mats, Tor-Ngern, Pantana och Marshall, John, Photosynthetic refixation varies along the stem and reduces CO2 efflux in mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees, Tree Physiology, 2018, 38 nr 4, s. 558–569, : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Tor-Ngern, Pantana, Oren, Ram, Palmroth, Sari, Linder, Sune, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell och Näsholm, Torgny, Water balance of pine forests: Synthesis of new and published results, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 259, s. 107–117, : Elsevier BV
Jocher, Georg, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, De Simon, Giuseppe, Hörnlund, Thomas, Linder, Sune, Lundmark, Tomas, Marshall, John, Nilsson, Mats, Näsholm, Torgny, Tarvainen, Lasse, Öquist, Mats och Peichl, Matthias, Apparent Winter CO2 uptake by a boreal forest due to decoupling, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 232, s. 23–34, : Elsevier BV
Lim, Hyungwoo, Oren, Ram, Linder, Sune, From, Fredrik, Nordin, Annika, Fahlvik, Nils, Lundmark, Tomas och Näsholm, Torgny, Annual climate variation modifies nitrogen induced carbon accumulation of Pinus sylvestris forests, Ecological Applications, 2017, 27, s. 1838–1851, : Wiley
Metcalfe, Daniel, Riccuito, Daniel, Palmroth, Sari, Campbell, Catherine, Hurry, Vaughan, Mao, Jiafu, Keel, Sonja G., Linder, Sune, Shi, Xiaoying, Näsholm, Torgny, Ohlsson, Anders, Blackburn, Meredith, Thornton, Peter och Oren, Ram, Informing climate models with rapid chamber measurements of forest carbon uptake, Global Change Biology, 2017, 23 nr 5, s. 2130–2139, : Wiley
Tor-Ngern, Pantana, Oren, Ram, Palmroth, Sari, Tarvainen, Lasse, Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell, Linder, Sune och Näsholm, Torgny, Ecophysiological variation of transpiration of pine forests: synthesis of new and published results, Ecological Applications, 2017, 27, s. 118–133, : Wiley
Hasper, Thomas Berg, Wallin, Göran, Lamba, Shubhangi, Hall, Marianne, Jaramillo, Fernando, Laudon, Hjalmar, Linder, Sune, Medhurst, J L, Räntfors, Mats, Sigurdsson, Bjarni och Uddling, Johan, Water use by Swedish boreal forests in a changing climate, Functional Ecology, 2016, 30 nr 5, s. 690–699, : Wiley
Linder, Sune och Marshall, John, A dynamic leaf gas-exchange strategy is conserved in woody plants under changing ambient CO2: evidence from carbon isotope discrimination in paleo and CO2 enrichment studies, Global Change Biology, 2016, 22, s. 889–902, : Wiley
Linder, Sune, Tamm Review: Insights gained from light use and leaf growth efficiency indices, Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 379, s. 232–242, : Elsevier BV
Linder, Sune, Tamm Review: Light use efficiency and carbon storage in nutrient and water experiments on major forest plantation species, Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 376, s. 333–342, : Elsevier BV
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