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Dir. 1994:140 Uppdrag att utarbeta en nationell plan för kommunikationerna i Sverige
SOU 1996:26 Ny kurs i trafikpolitiken [ pdf |
Källa : Sveriges riksdag / Regeringskansliets rättsdatabaser
Richard Montgomery har skrifter i biblioteksdatabasen
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Skrifter av Richard Montgomery i biblioteksdatabasen :
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Called to Sankofa: Leading In, Through and Beyond Disaster—A Narrative Account of African Americans Leading Education in Post-Katrina New Orleans [Elektronisk resurs], 2018, Montgomery-Richard, Margaret och Causey-Konaté, Tammie M., Peter Lang Publishing Group
Called to sankofa – leading in, through and beyond disaster-a narrative acc, 2018, Montgomery-richard, Margaret, Peter Lang Publishing Inc
Called to sankofa – leading in, through and beyond disaster-a narrative acc, 2018, Montgomery-richard, Margaret, Peter Lang Publishing Inc
Montgomery, R. och Zhitomirskiĭ, Mikhail., Points and curves in the Monster tower, 2010, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I.
Montgomery, Richard och Zhitomirskii, Michail, Points and Curves in the Monster Tower [Elektronisk resurs], 2010, 1, American Mathematical Society
The breadth of symplectic and Poisson geometry : festschrift in honor of Alan Weinstein, 2005, Marsden, Jerrold E. och Ratiu, Tudor S., Birkhäuser, Boston
Montgomery, R., A tour of subriemannian geometries, their geodesics, and applications, 2002, Reprinted by the American Mathematical Society, 2006, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I.
Involving families in school mathematics : readings from "Teaching children mathematics," "Mathematics teaching in the middle school," and "Arithmetic teacher", 2000, Edge, Douglas Richard Montgomery, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, Va.
Montgomery, Richard, Shapiro, Mikhail och Stolin, Alexander A., Chaotic geodesics in carnot groups, 1997, Dept. of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Marsden, Jerrold E, Montgomery, Richard och Ratiu, Tudor S., Reduction, symmetry, and phases in mechanics, 1990, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., USA
Stephenson, Richard Montgomery, Flash points of organic and organometallic compounds, 1987, Elsevier, New York
Stephenson, Richard Montgomery och Malanowski, Stanisław, Handbook of the thermodynamics of organic compounds, 1987, Elsevier, New York
Stephenson, Richard Montgomery, Introduction to nuclear engineering, 1954, McGraw-Hill, New York
Field, Richard M., Natural resources of the United States : a basis for economic geography, 1936, Barnes & Noble, inc., New York
Field, Richard M., The principles of historical geology from the regional point of view, 1933, Princeton University Press, Princeton
Montgomery, R. 1956- author. (Richard), Points and curves in the Monster tower / Richard Montgomery, Michail Zhitomirskii [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu
Montgomery, R. 1956- author. (Richard), A tour of subriemannian geometries, their geodesics and applications / Richard Montgomery [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu
Stephenson, Richard Montgomery, Flash points of organic and organometallic compounds / Richard M. Stephenson [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu, Elsevier
Stephenson, Richard Montgomery, Handbook of the thermodynamics of organic compounds / Richard M. Stephenson, Stanislaw Malanowski ; section on vapor-liquid critical constants of fluids, D. Ambrose [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu, Elsevier
Montgomery, R. 1956- author. (Richard), Points and curves in the Monster tower / Richard Montgomery, Michail Zhitomirskii [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu
Montgomery, Richard W., Neural and Circulatory Monitoring of Cognition / Richard W. Montgomery and Leslie David Montgomery [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu
Stephenson, Richard Montgomery, Flash points of organic and organometallic compounds / Richard M. Stephenson [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu, Elsevier
Richard Montgomery har en skrift i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrift av Richard Montgomery i SwePub :
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Shapiro, Boris, Kazarian, Maxim och Montgomery, Richard, Characteristic classes for the degenerations of two-plane fields in four dimensions, Pacific J. Math., 1997, 179 nr 2, s. 355–370
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