Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (UD 2013:01)
Departement : Utrikesdepartementet
Status : Pågående
Tillkallade enligt regeringens bemyndigande : 2013-01-31 00:00:00
Direktiv för expertgruppen, se dir. 2013:11 och dir. 2016:71
Lokal : Garnisonen, Karlavägen 100, Stockholm
Expertgruppens arbete är inte tidsbegränsat.
Utredningen har avgett :
2022:07 Member State Influence in the Negotiations on the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), Magnus Lundgren, Jonas Tallberg, Camilla Pedersen
2022:06 Swedish Development Cooperation with Ethiopia: Sixty Years of Lessons Learned, Bereket Kebede, Leif Danielsson, Hailu Elias, Gunnar Köhlin
2022: July Social Protection for the Forcibly Displaced in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Jason Gagnon, Mona Ahmed, Lisa Hjelm, Jens Hesemann (published as OECD Development Policy Papers No. 43, July 2022)
2022:05 Mapping Swedish Aid to Agriculture, Ivar Virgin, Ylva Ran, Filippa Ek, Alice Castensson
2022:04 A Team Player and Free Agent: Swedenâs Engagement with EU Country and Joint Programming, Erik Lundsgaarde
2022:03 Hur förändra världen? En antologi om förändringsteorier i biståndet, Kim Forss och Númi Östlund (red.)
2022:02 Swedish Aid in the Time of the Pandemic, Carsten Schwensen, Jonas Lövkrona, Louise Scheibel Smed
2022:01 Utvärdering av strategiska sekunderingar som del av svenskt påverkansarbete, Lisa Dellmuth, Paul T. Levin, Nicklas Svensson
2021:08 Practicing Peacebuilding Principles: A Study of Sweden´s Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States, Gary Milante, Jannie Lilja, Jups Kluyskens, Johanna Lindström
2021:07 In Pursuit of Sustainable Peace: An Evaluation of the Folke Bernadotte Academy 2008â2019, Nicklas Svensson, Julian Brett, Adam Moe Fejerskov, Charlotte Bonnet
2021:06 Informerad eller kunnig? Utvärdering av insatser för information och kommunikation om bistånd 2010â2010, Maria Grafström, Cecilia Strand
2021:05 Supporting Elections Effectively: Principles and Practice of Electoral Assistance, Therese Pearce Laanela, Sead Alihodžic, Antonio Spinelli, Peter Wolf
2021:04 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Measuring Values and Norms to Guide Swedish Development Cooperation, Anna Kågesten, Karin Båge, Jesper Sundewall, Helena Litorp, Bi Puranen, B., Olalekan Uthman, Anna Mia Ekström
2021:03 Credible Explanations of Development Outcomes: Improving Quality and Rigour with Bayesian Theory-Based Evaluation, Barbara Befani
2021:02 Målbild och mekanism: Vad säger utvärderingar om svenska biståndsinsatsers måluppfyllelse?, Markus Burman
2021:01 Data Science Methods in Development Evaluation: Exploring the Potential, Gustav Engström and Jonas Nóren
2020:07 Effects of Swedish and International Democracy Aid, Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Rachel M. Gisselquist, Ana Horigoshi, Melissa Samarin and Kunal Sen
2020:06 Sextortion: Corruption and Gender-Based Violence, Åsa Eldén, Dolores Calvo, Elin Bjarnegård, Silje Lundgren and Sofia Jonsson
2020:05 In Proper Organization we Trust â Trust in Interorganizational Aid relations, Susanna Alexius and Janet Vähämäki
2020:04 Institution Building in Practice: An Evaluation of Swedish Central Authorities' Reform Cooperation in the Western Balkans, Richard Allen, Giorgio Ferrari, Krenar Loshi, Númi Östlund and Dejana Razic Ilic
2020:03 Biståndets förvaltningskostnader För stora? Eller kanske för små?, Daniel Tarschys
2020:02 Evaluation of the Swedish Climate Change Initiative 2009â2012, Jane Burt, John Colvin, Mehjabeen Abidi Habib, Miriam Kugele, Mutizwa Mukute, Jessica Wilson
2020:01 Mobilising Private Development Finance: Implications for Overall Aid Allocations, Polly Meeks, Matthew Gouett and Samantha Attridge
2019:09 Democracy in African Governance: Seeing and Doing it Differently, Göran Hydén with assistance from Maria Buch Kristensen
2019:08 Fishing Aid â Mapping and Synthesising Evidence in Support of SDG 14 Fisheries Targets, Gonçalo Carneiro, Raphaëlle Bisiaux, Mary Frances Davidson, Tumi Tómasson with Jonas Bjärnstedt
2019:07 Applying a Masculinities Lens to the Gendered Impacts of Social Safety Nets, Meagan Dooley, Abby Fried, Ruti Levtov, Kate Doyle, Jeni Klugman and Gary Barker
2019:06 Joint Nordic Organisational Assessment of the Nordic Development Fund (NDF), Stephen Spratt, Eilís Lawlor, Kris Prasada Rao and Mira Berger
2019: August Migration and Development: the Role for Development Aid, Robert E.B. Lucas (joint with the Migration Studies Delegation, Delmi, published as Delmi Research overview 2019:5)
2019:05 Impact of Civil Society Anti-Discrimination Initiatives: A Rapid Review, Rachel Marcus, Dhruva Mathur and Andrew Shepherd
2019:04 Building on a Foundation Stone: the Long-Term Impacts of a Local Infrastructure and Governance Program in Cambodia, Ariel BenYishay, Brad Parks, Rachel Trichler, Christian Baehr, Daniel Aboagye and Punwath Prum
2019:03 Supporting State Building for Democratisation? A Study of 20 years of Swedish Democracy Aid to Cambodia, Henny Andersen, Karl-Anders Larsson och Joakim Öjendal
2019:02 Fit for Fragility? An Exploration of Risk Stakeholders and Systems Inside Sida, Nilima Gulrajani and Linnea Mills
2019:01 Skandaler, opinioner och anseende: Biståndet i ett medialiserat samhälle, Maria Grafström och Karolina Windell
2018:10 Nation Building in a Fractured Country â An evaluation of the Swedish cooperation in economic development with Bosnia & Herzegovina 1995â2018, Claes Lindahl, Julie Lindahl, Mikael Söderbäck and Tamara Ivankovic
2018:09 Underfunded Appeals: Understanding the Consequences, Improving the System, Sophia Swithern
2018:08 Seeking Balanced Ownership in Changing Development Cooperation Relationships, Nils Keijzer, Stephan Klingebiel, Charlotte Örnemark, Fabian Scholtes
2018:07 Putting Priority into Practice: Sidaâs Implementation of its Plan for Gender Integration, Elin Bjarnegård, Fredrik Uggla
2018:06 Swedish Aid in the Era of Shrinking Space â the Case of Turkey, Åsa Eldén, Paul T. Levin
2018:05 Who Makes the Decisions on Swedish Aid Funding? An Overview, Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
2018:04 Budget Support, Poverty and Corruption: A Review of the Evidence, Geske Dijkstra
2018:03 How predictable is Swedish aid? A study of exchange rate volatility, Númi Östlund
2018:02 Building Bridges Between International Humanitarian and Development Responses to Forced Migration, Alexander Kocks, Ruben Wedel, Hanne Roggemann, Helge Roxin
2018:01 DFIs and Development Impact: an evaluation of Swedfund, Stephen Spratt, Peter OâFlynn, Justin Flynn
2017:12 Livslängd och livskraft: Vad säger utvärderingar om svenska biståndsinsatsers hållbarhet? Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
2017:11 Swedenâs Financing of UN Funds and Programmes: Analyzing the Past, Looking to the Future, Stephen Browne, Nina Connelly, Thomas G. Weiss
2017:10 Seven Steps to Evidence-Based Anticorruption: A Roadmap, Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
2017:09 Geospatial Analysis of Aid: A New Approach to Aid Evaluation, Ann-Sofie Isaksson
2017:08 Research Capacity in the New Global Development Agenda, Måns Fellesson
2017:07 Research Aid Revisited â a Historically Grounded Analysis of Future Prospects and Policy Options, David Nilsson, Sverker Sörlin
2017:06 Confronting the Contradiction â An Exploration into the Dual Purpose of Accountability and Learning in Aid Evaluation, Hilde Reinertsen, Kristian Bjørkdahl, Desmond McNeill
2017:05 Local Peacebuilding â challenges and opportunities, Joakim Öjendal, Hanna Leonardsson, Martin Lundqvist
2017:04 Enprocentmålet â en kritisk essä, Lars Anell
2017:03 Animal Health in Development â Itâs Role for Poverty Reduction and Human Welfare, Jonathan Rushton, Arvid Uggla, Ulf Magnusson
2017:02 Do Anti-Discrimination Measures Reduce Poverty Among Marginalised Social Groups? Rachel Marcus, Anna Mdee, Ella Page
2017:01 Making Waves: Implications of the Irregular Migration and Refugee Situation on Official Development Assistance Spending and Practices in Europe, Anna Knoll, Andrew Sherriff
2016:11 Revitalising the Policy for Global Development, Per Molander
2016:10 Swedish Development Cooperation with Tanzania â has it helped the poor?, Mark McGillivray, David Carpenter, Oliver Morrissey, Julie Thaarup
2016:09 Exploring Donorship â Internal Factors in Swedish Aid to Uganda, Stein-Erik Kruse
2016:08 Sustaining a Development Policy: Results and Responsibility for the Swedish Policy for Global Development Måns Fellesson, Lisa Román
2016:07 Towards an Alternative Development Management Paradigm? Cathy Shutt
2016:06 Vem beslutar om svenska biståndsmedel? En översikt, Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
2016:05 Pathways to Change: Evaluating Development Interventions with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), Barbara Befani
2016:04 Swedish Responsibility and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
2016:03 Capturing Complexity and Context: Evaluating Aid to Education, Joel Samoff, Jane Leer, Michelle Reddy
2016:02 Education in developing countries â what policies and programmes affect learning and time in school? Amy Damon, Paul Glewwe, Suzanne Wisniewski, Bixuan Sun
2016:01 Support to regional cooperation and integration in Africa â what works and why? Fredrik Söderbaum, Therese Brolin
2015:09 In search of double dividends from climate change interventions evidence from forest conservation and household energy transitions, G. Köhlin, S.K. Pattanayak, E. Sills, E. Mattsson, M. Ostwald, A. Salas, D. Ternald
2015:08 Business and human rights in development cooperation â has Sweden incorporated the UN guiding principles? Rasmus Klocker Larsen, Sandra Atler
2015:07 Making development work: the quality of government approach, Bo Rothstein and Marcus Tannenberg
2015:06 Now open for business: joint development initiatives between the private and public sectors in development cooperation, Sara Johansson de Silva, Ari Kokko and Hanna Norberg
2015:05 Has Sweden injected realism into public financial management reforms in partner countries? Matt Andrews
2015:04 Youth, entrepreneurship and development, Kjetil Bjorvatn
2015:03 Concentration difficulties? An analysis of Swedish aid proliferation, Rune Jansen Hagen
2015:02 Utvärdering av svenskt bistånd â en kartläggning, Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
2015:01 Rethinking Civil Society and Support for Democracy, Richard Youngs
2014:05 Svenskt statligt internationellt bistånd i Sverige: en översikt, Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys
2014:04 The African Development Bank: ready to face the challenges of a changing Africa? Christopher Humphrey
2014:03 International party assistance â what do we know about the effects? Lars Svåsand
2014:02 Sweden´s development assistance for health â policy options to support the global health 2035 goals, Gavin Yamey, Helen Saxenian, Robert Hecht, Jesper Sundewall and Dean Jamison
2014:01 Randomized controlled trials: strengths, weaknesses and policy relevance, Anders Olofsgård
Biståndsanalys 2022 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2021, EBA, mars 2022
Biståndsanalys 2021 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2020, EBA, mars 2021
Biståndsanalys 2020 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2019, EBA, mars 2020
Biståndsanalys 2019 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2018, EBA, mars 2019
Biståndsanalys 2018 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2017, EBA, mars 2018
Biståndsanalys 2017 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2016, EBA, mars 2017
Biståndsanalys 2016 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2015, EBA, mars 2016
Biståndsanalys 2015 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2014, EBA, mars 2015
Biståndsanalys 2014 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2013, EBA, mars 2014
2022:08 The Rise of Social Protection in the Global South: The Role of Foreign Aid, Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Ana Horigoshi, Alma Santillán Hernández, Ernesto Tiburcio
Biståndsanalys 2023 Årsrapport från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys för år 2022, EBA, mars 2023
2023:01 The Role of Aid in the Provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, Jesper Sundewall, Björn Ekman, Jessy Schmit
2023:mars Åter ur askan: det svenska och globala bidraget till Ukrainas återuppbyggnad
2023:maj Payment by Results in Aid: A Review of the Evidence
2023:juni Swedish Climate Aid: What Does the Data Tell Us?
2023:juli Influence in Multilateral Aid Organizations: A Literature Review
2023:02 More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Swedenâs Feminist Foreign Policy, Ann Towns, Elin Bjarnegård, Katarzyna Jezierska
2019 July Migration and Development: the Role for Development Aid, Robert E.B. Lucas (joint with the Migration Studies Delegation, Delmi, published as Delmi Research overview 2019:05)
2019 July Migration and Development: the Role for Development Aid, Robert E.B. Lucas (joint with the Migration Studies Delegation, Delmi, published as Delmi Research overview 2019:05)
2023:03 Swedenâs Development Cooperation Response to the HIV Epidemic Over Time: An Overview, Pam Baatsen, Thyra de Jongh, Hannah Kabelka, Liana Petrosova, Josefine Olsson, Renée Robbers, Noor Tromp
2023:04 Det är resultatet som räknas: För en bättre resultatredovisning av biståndet, Númi Östlund, Helena Hede Skagerlind
Ordförande : Torbjörn Becker, fr.o.m. 2023-02-01 t.o.m. 2025-12-31
Ordförande : Lars Heikensten, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2017-03-31
Ordförande : Helena Lindholm Schultz, fr.o.m. 2017-06-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Vice ordförande : Gun-Britt Andersson, fr.o.m. 2015-06-08 t.o.m. 2018-12-31
Vice ordförande : Eva Lindström, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2014-10-13
Vice ordförande : Johan Schaar, fr.o.m. 2019-01-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Vice ordförande : Julia Schalk, fr.o.m. 2023-02-01 t.o.m. 2023-12-31
Ledamot : Arne Bigsten, fr.o.m. 2016-02-04 t.o.m. 2018-12-31
Ledamot : Kim Forss, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2023-12-31
Ledamot : Kim Forss, fr.o.m. 2021-01-01 t.o.m. 2023-12-31
Ledamot : Camilla CSR-expert Goldbeck-Löwe, fr.o.m. 2017-12-01 t.o.m. 2018-12-31
Ledamot : Maria Gustavson, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2015-01-19
Ledamot : Torgny Holmgren, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2023-12-31
Ledamot : Sara Johansson de Silva, fr.o.m. 2019-01-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Ledamot : Magnus Lindell, fr.o.m. 2019-01-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Ledamot : Staffan I. Lindberg, fr.o.m. 2019-09-01 t.o.m. 2024-12-31
Ledamot : Eva Lithman, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2019-12-31
Ledamot : Malin Mobjörk, fr.o.m. 2015-06-08 t.o.m. 2017-11-30
Ledamot : Joakim Molander, fr.o.m. 2020-01-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Ledamot : Anna Nilsdotter, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2016-12-31
Ledamot : Malin Oud, fr.o.m. 2023-02-01 t.o.m. 2025-12-21
Ledamot : Anders Pedersen, fr.o.m. 2023-02-01 t.o.m. 2025-12-31
Ledamot : Hans Rosling, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2016-12-31
Ledamot : Johan Schaar, fr.o.m. 2017-06-01 t.o.m. 2018-12-31
Ledamot : Julia Schalk, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2023-01-31
Ledamot : Jakob Svensson, fr.o.m. 2013-01-31 t.o.m. 2016-02-03
Ledamot : Fredrik Uggla, fr.o.m. 2017-06-01 t.o.m. 2019-07-31
Ledamot : Janet Vähämäki, fr.o.m. 2019-01-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Ledamot : Andreas Wladis, fr.o.m. 2023-02-01 t.o.m. 2025-12-31
Expert : Lennart Peck, fr.o.m. 2016-02-04 t.o.m. 2019-04-30
Expert : Johanna Stålö, fr.o.m. 2013-09-02 t.o.m. 2015-10-21
Expert : Anders Trojenborg, fr.o.m. 2019-07-01 t.o.m. 2022-12-31
Kanslichef : Sonja Daltung, fr.o.m. 2013-05-15 t.o.m. 2016-12-31
Kanslichef : Jan Pettersson, fr.o.m. 2017-05-01
Sekreterare : Malin Ahrne, fr.o.m. 2023-06-01
Sekreterare : Alexander Burlin, fr.o.m. 2020-10-01 t.o.m. 2021-08-31
Sekreterare : Markus Burman, fr.o.m. 2014-01-07 t.o.m. 2020-01-06
Sekreterare : Markus Burman, fr.o.m. 2021-01-01
Sekreterare : Helena Hede Skagerlind, fr.o.m. 2020-05-01
Sekreterare : Emma Hernborg, fr.o.m. 2021-12-16 t.o.m. 2023-08-05
Sekreterare : Lisa Hjelm, fr.o.m. 2019-03-25 t.o.m. 2022-10-07
Sekreterare : Mats Hårsmar, fr.o.m. 2013-09-01 t.o.m. 2015-10-11
Sekreterare : Mats Hårsmar, fr.o.m. 2018-08-15
Sekreterare : Lena Johansson de Château, fr.o.m. 2017-09-11 t.o.m. 2020-12-31
Sekreterare : Eva Mineur, fr.o.m. 2015-08-17 t.o.m. 2019-10-19
Sekreterare : Jan Pettersson, fr.o.m. 2013-12-18 t.o.m. 2017-04-30
Sekreterare : Joakim Rådström, fr.o.m. 2013-09-15 t.o.m. 2014-05-31
Sekreterare : Richard Sannerholm, fr.o.m. 2017-03-31 t.o.m. 2018-02-28
Sekreterare : Nina Solomin, fr.o.m. 2018-04-26 t.o.m. 2021-07-31
Sekreterare : Jesper Sundewall, fr.o.m. 2013-11-20 t.o.m. 2016-12-31
Sekreterare : Per Trulsson, fr.o.m. 2016-01-01 t.o.m. 2018-08-31
Sekreterare : Númi Östlund, fr.o.m. 2020-09-01
Sekreterare : Emma Öståker, fr.o.m. 2013-09-16 t.o.m. 2016-12-31
Biträdande sekreterare : Elin Bergenlöv, fr.o.m. 2020-10-05 t.o.m. 2021-04-04
Biträdande sekreterare : Tove Bucht, fr.o.m. 2014-02-10 t.o.m. 2015-10-18
Biträdande sekreterare : Anna Bäckman, fr.o.m. 2015-11-02 t.o.m. 2020-11-01
Biträdande sekreterare : Anna Florell, fr.o.m. 2020-10-01
Biträdande sekreterare : Mujtaba Habibi, fr.o.m. 2022-01-10 t.o.m. 2022-07-09
Biträdande sekreterare : Sara Holmberg, fr.o.m. 2017-06-09 t.o.m. 2017-11-30
Biträdande sekreterare : Iris Luthman, fr.o.m. 2018-03-15 t.o.m. 2019-04-30
Biträdande sekreterare : Otto Nilsson Williams, fr.o.m. 2022-12-05 t.o.m. 2023-03-31
Biträdande sekreterare : Laura Nordström, fr.o.m. 2021-04-12 t.o.m. 2021-06-30
Biträdande sekreterare : Lennart Weitzel, fr.o.m. 2023-04-03 t.o.m. 2024-03-31
Kommunikationsansvarig : Matilda Widell, fr.o.m. 2024-01-03
Sekreterare : Arizo Karimi, fr.o.m. 2024-09-01 t.o.m. 2026-08-07
Biträdande sekreterare : Ravneet Singh, fr.o.m. 2024-04-01