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Skrifter av Pia Tham i biblioteksdatabasen :
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Björktomta, Siv-Britt och Tham, Pia, Building professional identity during social work education [Elektronisk resurs] The role of reflective writing as a tool, Social Work Education, 2024
Nordlinder, Carolina, Bergström, Gunnar, Tham, Pia och Öberg, Peter, Individual, family, job, and organizational factors associated with retirement intentions among older long-term care workers: A systematic review [Elektronisk resurs], Geriatric Nursing, 2024, 56, 83–93
Norrgård, Amanda, Tham, Pia, Strömberg, Annika och Kåreholt, Ingemar, How do child welfare social workers assess the leadership of their first-line managers? A 15-year perspective [Elektronisk resurs], British Journal of Social Work, 2024, 54 nr 4, 1737–1752
Tham, Pia, McFadden, Paula, Russ, Erica, Baldschun, Andreas, Blakeman, Paul och Griffiths, Austin, How do we prepare students for the challenges of social work? Examples from six countries around the world [Elektronisk resurs], Social Work Education, 2023, 42 nr 4, 494–510
Engström, Maria, Hanberger Jarnheden, Sofia och Tham, Pia, Staff quality of working life and turnover intentions in municipal nursing care and social welfare: a cross-sectional study [Elektronisk resurs], BMC Nursing, 2023, 22 nr 1
Tham, Pia, Lower Demands but Less Meaningful Work? Changes in Work Situation and Health among Social Workers in a 15-Year Perspective [Elektronisk resurs], British Journal of Social Work, 2023, 53 nr 4, 2038–2056
Steive, Karin, Tham, Pia, Wiklund, Stefan och Kåreholt, Ingemar, Social work in an assembly line [Elektronisk resurs] Specialisation in child welfare work and its implications for collaboration, European Journal of Social Work, 2023
Tham, Pia, Not rocket science: Implementing efforts to improve working conditions of social workers [Elektronisk resurs], British Journal of Social Work, 2022, 52 nr 4, 1896–1915
Tham, Pia och Lynch, Deborah, ‘Perhaps I should be working with potted plants or standing in the fish counter instead?’ [Elektronisk resurs] Newly educated social workers' reflections on their first years in practice, European Journal of Social Work, 2021, 24 nr 3, 541–553
Tham, Pia och Strömberg, Annika, The Iron Cage of Leadership [Elektronisk resurs] The Role of First-line Managers in Child Welfare, British Journal of Social Work, 2020, 50 nr 2, 369–388
Tham, Pia och Thorén, Katarina, Under the delusive wings of the welfare state [Elektronisk resurs] engagement in the policy process among social work faculty members in Sweden, European Journal of Social Work, 2020, 23 nr 6, 1081–1091
Tham, Pia, A professional role in transition [Elektronisk resurs] Swedish child welfare social workers’ descriptions of their work in 2003 and 2014, British Journal of Social Work, 2018, 48 nr 2, 449–467
Tham, Pia, Arbetsvillkor i den sociala barnavården : förutsättningar för ett kvalificerat arbete, 2008, Institutionen för socialt arbete, Stockholms universitet och US-AB Print center, Stockholm och Stockholm
Pia Tham har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Björktomta, Siv-Britt och Tham, Pia, Building professional identity during social work education : The role of reflective writing as a tool, Social Work Education, 2024, : Routledge
Nordlinder, Carolina, Bergström, Gunnar, Tham, Pia och Öberg, Peter, Individual, family, job, and organizational factors associated with retirement intentions among older long-term care workers : A systematic review, Geriatric Nursing, 2024, 56, s. 83–93, : MOSBY-ELSEVIER
Nordlinder, Carolina, Bergström, Gunnar, Tham, Pia och Öberg, Peter, Individual, family, job, and organizational factors associated with retirement intentions among older long-term care workers: A systematic review, Geriatric Nursing, 2024, 56, s. 83–93, : Elsevier
Norrgård, Amanda, Tham, Pia, Strömberg, Annika och Kåreholt, Ingemar, How Do Child Welfare Social Workers Assess the Leadership of Their First-line Managers? A 15-Year Perspective, British Journal of Social Work, 2024, 54 nr 4, s. 1737–1752, : Oxford University Press
Steive, Karin, Tham, Pia, Wiklund, Stefan, Grell, Pär och Kåreholt, Ingemar, Social work in an assembly line? The development of specialisation in child welfare and further internal division of work between 2003 and 2018 : [Socialt arbete på löpande band? Utvecklingen av specialisering i sociala barnavården och ytterligare intern specialisering mellan 2003 och 2018], European Journal of Social Work, 2024, 27 nr 3, s. 650–663
Steive, Karin, Tham, Pia, Wiklund, Stefan, Grell, Pär och Kåreholt, Ingemar, Social work in an assembly line? The development of specialisation in child welfare and further internal division of work between 2003 and 2018, European Journal of Social Work, 2024, 27 nr 3, s. 650–663, : Taylor & Francis
Engström, Maria, Hanberger Jarnheden, Sofia och Tham, Pia, Staff quality of working life and turnover intentions in municipal nursing care and social welfare: a cross-sectional study, BMC Nursing, 2023, 22 nr 1, : BMC
Steive, Karin, Tham, Pia, Wiklund, Stefan och Kåreholt, Ingemar, Social work in an assembly line : Specialisation in child welfare work and its implications for collaboration, European Journal of Social Work, 2023, : Routledge
Tham, Pia, McFadden, Paula, Russ, Erica, Baldschun, Andreas, Blakeman, Paul och Griffiths, Austin, How do we prepare students for the challenges of social work? Examples from six countries around the world, Social Work Education, 2023, 42 nr 4, s. 494–510, : Routledge
Tham, Pia och Kåreholt, Ingemar, Lower demands but less meaningful work? : Changes in work situation and health among social workers in a 15-year perspective, British Journal of Social Work, 2023, 53 nr 4, s. 2038–2056, : Oxford University Press
Tham, Pia, Not rocket science: Implementing efforts to improve working conditions of social workers, British Journal of Social Work, 2022, 52 nr 4, s. 1896–1915, : Oxford Academic
Tham, Pia och Lynch, Deborah, ‘Perhaps I should be working with potted plants or standing in the fish counter instead?’ : Newly educated social workers' reflections on their first years in practice, European Journal of Social Work, 2021, 24 nr 3, s. 541–553, : Routledge
McFadden, Paula, Russ, Erics, Blakeman, Paul, Kirwin, Gloria, Anand, Janet, Lähteinen, Sanna, Baugerud, Gunn Astrid och Tham, Pia, COVID-19 impact on social work admissions and education in seven international universities, Social Work Education, 2020, 39 nr 8, s. 1154–1163, : Routledge
Tham, Pia och Strömberg, Annika, The Iron Cage of Leadership : The Role of First-line Managers in Child Welfare, British Journal of Social Work, 2020, 50 nr 2, s. 369–388, : Oxford University Press
Tham, Pia och Thorén, Katarina, Under the delusive wings of the welfare state : engagement in the policy process among social work faculty members in Sweden, European Journal of Social Work, 2020, 23 nr 6, s. 1081–1091, : Routledge
Tham, Pia och Lynch, Deborah, 'Lost in transition?' : newly educated social workers reflections on their first months in practice [Från socionomstudent till socialarbetare – nyexaminerade socionomers reflektioner kring de första månaderna i yrket], European Journal of Social Work, 2019, 22 nr 3, s. 400–411, : Taylor & Francis Group
Tham, Pia, A professional role in transition : Swedish child welfare social workers’ descriptions of their work in 2003 and 2014, British Journal of Social Work, 2018, 8 nr 2, s. 449–467, : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Tham, Pia, Where the need is greatest : a comparison of the perceived working conditions of social workers in Swedish metropolitan low-, middle-and high-income areas in 2003 and 2014, Nordic Social Work Research, 2018, 8 nr 2, s. 185–200, : Routledge
Thorén, Katarina H. och Tham, Pia, Social work academia and policy in Sweden, Where academia and policy meet, 2017,, s. 183–200, Bristol : Policy Press
Tham, Pia, Mindre erfaren – mer utsatt? : Nya och mer erfarna socialsekreterares beskrivningar av sina arbetsvillkor, Socionomens forskningssupplement, 2016, 40 nr 6, s. 20–33
Tham, Pia och Lynch, Deborah, Prepared for Practice? : Graduating Social Work Students' Reflections on Their Education, Competence and Skills, Social Work Education, 2014, 33 nr 6, s. 704–717, : Routledge
Tham, Pia och Meagher, Gabrielle, Working in human services : How do experiences and working conditions in child welfare social work compare?, British Journal of Social Work, 2009, 39 nr 5, s. 807–827, : Oxford University Press
Tham, Pia, Arbetsvillkor i den sociala barnavården : förutsättningar för ett kvalificerat arbete, 2008, Institutionen för socialt arbete – Socialhögskolan, Stockholm
Tham, Pia, Ny i yrket men redan gammal i gården? : Arbetsvillkor för nya och mer erfarna socialsekreterare i den sociala barnavården, Socionomens forskningssupplement, 2007, 22 nr 6, s. 62–77
Tham, Pia, Ny i yrket men redan gammal i gården? : Arbetsvillkor för nya och mer erfarna socialsekretare i den sociala barnavården, Socionomens forskningssupplement, 2007, 22 nr 6, s. 62–77
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