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Söderlind, Paul, Söderström, Ulf och Vredin, Anders, Taylor rules and the predictability of interest rates, 2003, Sveriges riksbank, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Monetary policy and bond option pricing in an analytical RBC model [Elektronisk resurs], 2003, Rev ed, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Söderström, Ulf och Vredin, Anders, Taylor rules and the predictability of interest rates [Elektronisk resurs], 2003, Sveriges riksbank, Stockholm
Giordani, Paolo och Söderlind, Paul, Solution of macromodels with Hansen-Sargent robust policies [Elektronisk resurs] summary and some extensions, 2002, Stockholm
Söderström, Ulf, Söderlind, Paul och Vredin, Anders, Can a calibrated New-Keynesian model of monetary policy fit the facts?, 2002, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm
Giordani, Paolo och Söderlind, Paul, Is there evidence of pessimism and doubt in subjective distributions? [Elektronisk resurs] a comment on Abel, 2002, Stockholm
Söderström, Ulf, Söderlind, Paul och Vredin, Anders, Can a calibrated New-Keynesian model of monetary policy fit the facts? [Elektronisk resurs], 2002, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, What if the Fed had been an inflation nutter? [Elektronisk resurs], 2001, Stockholm
Giordani, Paolo och Söderlind, Paul, Inflation forecast uncertainty, 2000, Economic Research Institute (EFI), Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Giordani, Paolo och Söderlind, Paul, Inflation forecast uncertainty, 2000, Stockholm
Dahlquist, Magnus, Engström, Stefan och Söderlind, Paul, Performance and characteristics of Swedish mutual funds 1993–97, 1999, Economic Research Institute (EFI), Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Market expectations in the UK before and after the ERM crisis, 1999, Rev. version, Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Dahlquist, Magnus, Engström, Stefan och Söderlind, Paul, Performance and characteristics of Swedish mutual funds 1993–97, 1999, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Solution and estimation of RE macromodels with optimal policy, 1998, EFI, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Solution and estimation of RE macromodels with optimal policy, 1998, EFI, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul och Svensson, Lars E. O., New techniques to extract market expectations from financial instruments, 1997, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass.
Söderlind, Paul, Monetary policy and the Fisher effect, 1997, Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Dahlquist, Magnus och Söderlind, Paul, Evaluating portfolio performance with stochastic discount factors, 1997, Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Dahlquist, Magnus och Söderlind, Paul, Evaluating portfolio performance with stochastic discount factors [Elektronisk resurs], 1997, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Extracting expectations about UK monetary policy 1992 from option prices, 1997, Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Monetary policy and the Fisher effect, 1997, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Market expectations in the UK before and after the ERM crisis, 1997, Rev. version, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul och Svensson, Lars E. O., New techniques to extract market expectations from financial instruments, 1996, Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul och Svensson, Lars E. O., New techniques to extract market expectations from financial instruments, 1996, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul och Svensson, Lars E. O., New techniques to extract market expectations from financial instruments, 1996, Univ., Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm
Paul Söderlind har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Paul Söderlind i SwePub :
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» Sök själv efter Paul Söderlind i SwePub
Dahlquist, Magnus och Söderlind, Paul, Individual Forecasts of Exchange Rates, 2022, SSRN
Dahlquist, Magnus, Martinez, Jose Vicente och Söderlind, Paul, Individual investor activity and performance, Review of Financial Studies, 2017, 30 nr 3, s. 866–899, : Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy F – Oxford Open Option D
Karlsson, Anders, Investment Decisions and Risk Preferences among Non-Professional Investors, 2007, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Stockholm
Palme, Mårten, Sundén, Annika och Söderlind, Paul, How Do Individual Accounts Work in the Swedish Pension System?, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007, 5 nr 2–3, s. 636–646, : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Palme, Mårten, Sundén, Annika och Söderlind, Paul, Investment Choice in the Swedish Premium Pension Plan, Journal of the European Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 2007, 5, s. 636–646
Welz, Peter, Quantitative New Keynesian Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy, 2005, Nationalekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala
Giordani, Paolo och Söderlind, Paul, Inflation forecast uncertainty, European Economic Review, 2003, 47 nr 6, s. 1037–1059
Söderlind, Paul, Monetary policy and the Fisher effect, Journal of policy modeling, 2001, 23 nr 5, s. 491–495, : Elsevier Inc
Engström, Stefan, Dahlquist, Magnus och Söderlind, Paul, Performance and characteristics of Swedish mutual funds, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2000, 35 nr 3, s. 409–423, : Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Hallsten, Kerstin, Essays on the effects of monetary policy, 1999, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul och Svensson, Lars E.O., New Techniques to Extract Market Expectations from Financial Instruments, 1996, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Forward Interest Rates as Indicators of Inflation Expectations, 1995, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul och Vredin, Anders, Applied Cointegration Analysis in the Mirror of Macroeconomic Theory, 1994, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Capacity Utilization in Swedish Industry, 1994, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Fluctuating Covariances in Swedish Macro Data, 1994, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, International Spillovers in an Endogenous Growth, 1993, IIES, Stockholm
Lindberg, Hans, Svensson, Lars E.O. och Söderlind, Paul, Devaluation Expectations : The Swedish Krona 1982–1991, 1991, IIES, Stockholm
Lindberg, Hans och Söderlind, Paul, Target Zone Models and the Intervention Policy : The Swedish Case, 1991, IIES, Stockholm
Lindberg, Hans och Söderlind, Paul, Testing the Basic Target Zone Model on Swedish Data, 1991, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, Is there a Cycle in Real Business Cycle Models?, 1991, IIES, Stockholm
Söderlind, Paul, The Swedish Tax Reform from an Intertemporal Perspective, 1990, IIES, Stockholm
Dahlquist, Magnus, Martinez, Jose Vicente och Söderlind, Paul, Individual Investor Activity and Performance
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