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Jonas Ljungberg har skrifter i biblioteksdatabasen
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Ljungberg, Jonas och Ögren, Anders, Discipline or international balance [Elektronisk resurs] the choice of monetary systems in Europe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2021
Ljungberg, Jonas, A revision of the Swedish producer price index, 1968–1993 [Elektronisk resurs], 2017, Department of Economic History, Lund University, Lund
Structural analysis and the process of economic development : essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016, Ljungberg, Jonas, Routledge och Routledge, New York och New York
Structural analysis and the process of economic development [Elektronisk resurs] : essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016, Ljungberg, Jonas, Routledge, New York
Ljungberg, Jonas, A Scientific Revolution that Made Life Longer, Schooling and the Decline of Infant Mortality in Europe [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Department of Economic History, Lund University, Lund
Sjöö, Karolin, Taalbi, Josef, Kander, Astrid och Ljungberg, Jonas, SWINNO: A Database of Swedish Innovations, 1970–2007 [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Department of Economic History, Lund University, Lund
Jonas Ljungberg, Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Development [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Routledge
Johansson, Tony och Ljungberg, Jonas, Asymmetric trends and European monetary policy in t he Post-Bretton Woods Era [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Department of Economic History, Lund University, Lund
Ljungberg, Jonas, Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Development [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Taylor and Francis
Ljungberg, J., Ljungberg, Jonas och Smits, Jan-Pieter, Technology and Human Capital in Historical Perspective [Elektronisk resurs], 2005, Palgrave Macmillan UK, Basingstoke
Technology and human capital in historical perspective [Elektronisk resurs], 2004, Ljungberg, Jonas och Smits, Jan-Pieter, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
The price of the Euro, 2004, Ljungberg, Jonas, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke,
Technology and human capital in historical perspective, 2004, Ljungberg, Jonas och Smits, Jan-Pieter, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
The price of the Euro [Elektronisk resurs], 2004, Ljungberg, Jonas, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke,
The Price of the Euro [Elektronisk resurs], 2004, Ljungberg, Jonas, Palgrave Macmillan UK, Basingstoke
Technology and human capital in historical perspective, 2004, Ljungberg, Jonas och Smits, Jan-Pieter, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Eurons pris : europeiska forskare om EMU, 2003, Ljungberg, Jonas, Agora, Stockholm och Danmark
Ljungberg, Jonas, Återupprätta neutraliteten!., Fredsbomber över Balkan / [Örjan Appelqvist …], 1999, s. [139]-141, Stockholm : Manifest kulturproduktion, 1999
Ljungberg, Jonas, A revision of the Swedish producer price index, 1968–1993, 1999, Department of Economic History, Lund Univ., Lund
Ljungberg, Jonas, The impact of the Great Emigration on the Swedish economy, The Scandinavian economic history review, 1997, 1997 (45), s. 159–189, Jyväskylä, 1953-
Ljungberg, Jonas, European market integration and the behaviour of prices, 1850–1914, 1996, Department of Economic History, Lund Univ., Lund
Ljungberg, Jonas, Prices and market integration : Sweden and Britain during the 19th and 20th centuries, 1994, Department of economic history, Lund university och Reprocentralen Lund university, Lund och Lund
Kryger Larsen, Hans, Ljungberg, Jonas och Nilsson, Carl-Axel, Measuring transformation, The Scandinavian economic history review, 1992, 1992 (40 nr 2), s. 51–58, Jyväskylä, 1953-
Ljungberg, Jonas, When the track does not accord with the map : a critique of Rojas, The Scandinavian economic history review, 1992, 1992 (40 nr 2), s. 59–62, Jyväskylä, 1953-
Ljungberg, Jonas, Prices and industrial transformation, The Scandinavian economic history review, 1991, 1991 (39 nr 2), s. 49–63, Jyväskylä, 1953-
Jonas Ljungberg har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Jonas Ljungberg i SwePub ( visar bara de 25 senaste ) :
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» Sök själv efter Jonas Ljungberg i SwePub
Ljungberg, Jonas, European consumer price indices since 1870, Cliometrica, 2025, 19 nr 1, s. 29–80
Ljungberg, Jonas, Competitive devaluations in the 1930s: myth or reality?, Cliometrica, 2024, 18 nr 1, s. 151–189, : Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Ljungberg, Jonas, European Consumer Price Indices since 1870, 2023
Ljungberg, Jonas, Les 'dévaluations compétitives' des années 1930: plus un mythe qu'une réalité, Revue d'economie financiere, 2023 nr 152, s. 255–255
Ljungberg, Jonas, Discipline or international balance: the choice of monetary systems in Europe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2022, 29 nr 2, s. 218–245, : Informa UK Limited
Ljungberg, Jonas, Economic integration and exchange rate arrangements in the post-soviet period : The Baltic states in comparative perspective, The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 2020, 17 nr 2
Ljungberg, Jonas, The Myth of Competitive Devaluations in the 1930s, 2020
Ducoing, Cristian och Ljungberg, Jonas, Machinery prices during the second Industrial revolution : An international comparison of capital goods, 1850 – 1939, 2019
Ljungberg, Jonas, Baltic Integration and the Euro, 2019
Ljungberg, Jonas och Ögren, Anders, Discipline or external balance? : The choice of international monetary systems in Europe, 2019
Ljungberg, Jonas, Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates for Europe, 1870–2016 : Some methodological issues, 2019
Andersson, Fredrik N G, Identifying and modelling cycles and long waves in economic time series, Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Development, 2016,, s. 34–55, Ljungberg, Jonas
Enflo, Kerstin och Ljungberg, Jonas, Obituary: Lennart Schön, European Review of Economic History, 2016, 20 nr 4, s. 526–527, : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Enflo, Kerstin och Henning, Martin, The development of economic growth and inequality among the Swedish regions 1860–2010, Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Developmen, 2016, Ljungberg, Jonas
Henning, Martin, Lundquist, Karl-Johan och Olander, Lars-Olof, Regional analysis and the process of economic development: Changes in growth, employment and income, Structural analysis and the process of economic development : essays in memory of Lennart Schön – essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016 nr 209, s. 149–173, Ljungberg, Jonas, Abingdon : Routledge
Kander, Astrid, Economic environmental history : anything new under the sun?, Structural analysis and the process of economic development : Essays in memory of Lennart Schön – Essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016,, s. 174–190, Ljungberg, Jonas
Ljungberg, Jonas, Introduction : structural analysis and the process of economic development, Structural analysis and the process of economic development : Essays in memory of Lennart Schön – Essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016, 209, s. 1–18, Ljungberg, Jonas
Ljungberg, Jonas, The Gerschenkron effect, creative destruction and structural analysis, Structural analysis and the process of economic development : Essays in memory of Lennart Schön – Essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016, 209, s. 78–102, Ljungberg, Jonas
Lobell, Håkan, The gold standard and industrial breakthrough in Sweden, Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Development, 2016, Ljungberg, Jonas
Structural analysis and the process of economic development : essays in memory of Lennart Schön, 2016, Ljungberg, Jonas, Routledge
Taalbi, Josef, Development blocks and structural analysis, Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Development : Essays in Memory of Lennart Schön – Essays in Memory of Lennart Schön, 2016,, s. 56–77, Ljungberg, Jonas
Andersson, Fredrik N G och Ljungberg, Jonas, Grain market integration in the Baltic Sea Region in the 19th century, Journal of Economic History, 2015, 75 nr 3, s. 749–790
Andersson, Fredrik N G och Ljungberg, Jonas, Grain Market Integration in the Baltic Sea Region in the Nineteenth Century, Journal of Economic History, 2015, 73 nr 3, s. 749–790
Sjöö, Karolin, Taalbi, Josef, Kander, Astrid och Ljungberg, Jonas, SWINNO: A Database of Swedish Innovations, 1970–2007, 2014
Johansson, Tony och Ljungberg, Jonas, Asymmetric trends and European monetary policy in t he Post-Bretton Woods Era, 2013
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