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Selg, Håkan, Digital Contact Tools in Professional Life [Elektronisk resurs] What Governs the Choice?, 2015
Selg, Håkan, Researching the use of the Internet : a beginner's guide, 2014, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala
Selg, Håkan, Om nya kontaktmönster i arbetslivet [Elektronisk resurs] Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, 2011
Selg, Håkan, Om nya kontaktmönster i arbetslivet [Elektronisk resurs] SMS, chatt, e-post och telefoni – När används vad?, 2011
Selg, Håkan, De två kulturerna på Internet [Elektronisk resurs] en utmaning för företag, myndigheter och organisationer huvudrapport, 2009, VINNOVA, Stockholm
Selg, Håkan, De två kulturerna på Internet : en utmaning för företag, myndigheter och organisationer : huvudrapport, 2009, VINNOVA, Stockholm
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle och Selg, Håkan, Framtiden är öppen [Elektronisk resurs] : om problem och möjligheter med öppen källkod och öppet innehåll, 2008, VINNOVA, Stockholm
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle och Selg, Håkan, Framtiden är öppen! : om problem och möjligheter med öppen källkod och öppet innehåll, 2008, VINNOVA, Stockholm
Selg, Håkan, The pricing of digital content : what are the users willing to pay for?, 2007, Media technology and graphic arts, School of computer science and communication, Royal institute of technology (KTH), Stockholm
Selg, Håkan, The Pricing of Digital Content – What Are the Users Willing to Pay for? [Elektronisk resurs], 2007, IOS Press, Amsterdam
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, File sharing in peer-to-peer networks – actors, motives and effects [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 4. Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry, 2006
Findahl, Olle, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, The IPR Regime and The Open Source/Open Content Movement – An Alternative Stimulus for Creativity or on a Collision Course? [Elektronisk resurs], 2006, IOS Press, Amsterdam
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle och Selg, Håkan, User Oriented Business Models in Peer-to-Peer Services [Elektronisk resurs], 2006, IOS Press, Amsterdam
Selg, Håkan, Popular Culture as a Driver of Internet Use [Elektronisk resurs], 2006, IOS Press, Amsterdam
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Impact assessment on policies, directives and business models – Final thoughts [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 8b. Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry, 2006
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 6. Embedded conflicts in policies, directives and their implementation, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Larsson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Trends in downloading and filesharing of music [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 5. Trends in downloading and filesharing of music, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry New embryonic business models and value chains [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 3. New embryonic business models and value chains, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 9. Report from workshops, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Overview of relevant policies and their characteristics [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 2. Overview of relevant policies and their characteristics, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Lars-Erik Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Olle Findahl, Olle Findahl, Håkan Selg, Håkan och Roger Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry [Elektronisk resurs] Annex to Musiclessons – Deliverable 2. Summary of EU policies, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Impact assessment on policies, directives and business models – First thoughts [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 8a. Impact assessment on policies, directives and business models – First thoughts, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Report on technology versus usage and effects [Elektronisk resurs] Musiclessons – Deliverable 1. Report on technology versus usage and effects, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Finndahl, Olle och Selg, Håkan, The downloaders : who they are and what they are doing?, 2005, Media technology and graphic arts, Computer Science and Communication, KTH, Stockholm
Selg, Håkan, Studenternas användning av Internet i studierna : en kortfattad översikt, 2004, SUNET, Stockholm
Håkan Selg har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Håkan Selg i SwePub :
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» Sök själv efter Håkan Selg i SwePub
Selg, Håkan, Research programs as a tool to map Internet studies, Second International Handbook of Internet Research, 2020,, s. 505–528, Dordrecht, The Netherlands : Springer
Selg, Håkan, Digital Contact Tools in Professional Life : What Governs the Choice?, Selected Papers of Internet Research 16, 2015
Selg, Håkan, Researching the Use of the Internet : A Beginner's Guide, 2014, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala
Selg, Håkan, Om nya kontaktmönster i arbetslivet : Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, 2011
Selg, Håkan, Om nya kontaktmönster i arbetslivet : SMS, chatt, e-post och telefoni – När används vad?, 2011
Selg, Håkan, Swedish students online : An inquiry into differing cultures on the Internet, Youth Culture and Net Culture, 2011,, s. 41–62, Hershey, PA : IGI Global
Selg, Håkan, Om professionell användning av sociala medier och andra digitala kanaler, 2010
Selg, Håkan, Två kulturer på Internet: Resultat av faktor- och klusteranalys, 2009, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
Selg, Håkan, The Pricing of Digital Content – What Are the Users Willing to Pay for?, Expanding the Knowledge Economy, 2007,, s. 1549–1556, Amsterdam : IOS Press
Blomqvist, Ulf, Lars-Erik Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Olle Findahl, Olle Findahl, Håkan Selg, Håkan och Roger Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry : Annex to Musiclessons – Deliverable 2. Summary of EU policies, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry : Musiclessons – Deliverable 6. Embedded conflicts in policies, directives and their implementation, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry New embryonic business models and value chains : Musiclessons – Deliverable 3. New embryonic business models and value chains, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Overview of relevant policies and their characteristics : Musiclessons – Deliverable 2. Overview of relevant policies and their characteristics, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Report on technology versus usage and effects : Musiclessons – Deliverable 1. Report on technology versus usage and effects, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Larsson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Trends in downloading and filesharing of music : Musiclessons – Deliverable 5. Trends in downloading and filesharing of music, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Blomqvist, Ulf, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, File sharing in peer-to-peer networks – actors, motives and effects : Musiclessons – Deliverable 4. Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry, 2006
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry : Musiclessons – Deliverable 9. Report from workshops, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry Impact assessment on policies, directives and business models – First thoughts : Musiclessons – Deliverable 8a. Impact assessment on policies, directives and business models – First thoughts, 2006, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, Impact assessment on policies, directives and business models – Final thoughts : Musiclessons – Deliverable 8b. Broadband technologies transforming business models and challenging regulatory frameworks – lessons from the music industry, 2006
Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Findahl, Olle och Selg, Håkan, User Oriented Business Models in Peer-to-Peer Services, Exploiting the knowledge economy, 2006,, s. 1797–1804, Amsterdam : IOS Press
Findahl, Olle, Eriksson, Lars-Erik, Selg, Håkan och Wallis, Roger, The IPR Regime and The Open Source/Open Content Movement – An Alternative Stimulus for Creativity or on a Collision Course?, Exploiting the Knowledge Economy, 2006,, s. 1804–1811, Amsterdam : IOS Press
Selg, Håkan, Popular Culture as a Driver of Internet Use, Exploiting the Knowledge Economy, 2006,, s. 1789–1796, Amsterdam : IOS Press
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