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Medverkande i utredning : Viktor Thell
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Skrift av Viktor Thell i biblioteksdatabasen :
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Thell, Viktor, Essays in empirical corporate finance : real effects of corporate debt, 2018, Stockholm School of Economics och BrandFactory AB, Stockholm och Göteborg
Viktor Thell har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Viktor Thell i SwePub :
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» Sök själv efter Viktor Thell i SwePub
Becker, Bo, Campello, Murillo, Thell, Viktor och Yan, Dong, Credit Risk, Debt Overhang, and the Life Cycle of Callable Bonds, Review of Finance, 2024, 28 nr 3, s. 945–985, : Oxford University Press
Baghai, Ramin, Silva, Rui, Thell, Viktor och Vig, Vikrant, Talent in Distressed Firms: Investigating the Labor Costs of Financial Distress, Journal of Finance, 2021, 76 nr 6, s. 2907–2961, : Wiley: No OnlineOpen
Yan, Dong, Becker, Bo, Campello, Murillo och Thell, Viktor, Credit Risk and the Life Cycle of Callable Bonds : Implications for Corporate Financing and Investing, 2021, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London
Campello, Murillo, Thell, Viktor, Yan, Dong och Becker, Bo, Debt Overhang and the Life Cycle of Callable Bonds, 2018, Elsevier BV
Thell, Viktor, Essays in empirical corporate finance : real effects of corporate debt, 2018, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Silva, Roi, Vig, Vikrant, Baghai, Ramin och Thell, Viktor, "Talent in Distressed Firms: Investigating the Labor Costs of Financial Distress'', 2016
Baghai, Ramin, Silva, Roi, Thell, Viktor och Vig, Vikrant, "Talent in Distressed Firms: Investigating the Labor Costs of Financial Distress''
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