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Händel, Georg Friedrich, Theodora oratorio in three parts, 2022, Erato, Hamburg
The first book of soprano solos : complete : parts I, II, and III, 2013, Boytim, Joan Frey., G. Schirmer, Inc. och Hal Leonard Corporation., New York och Milwaukee, WI
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Hallische Händel-Ausgabe (kritische Gesamtausgabe). Ser. 1, Oratorien und grosse Kantaten. Bd 29, Theodora : oratorio in three parts : HWV 68, 2008, Timms, Colin, Bärenreiter, Kassel
Steinbeck, John, Of mice and men, 2007, TPB, Enskede
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Solomon : an oratorio for 4 sopranos, alto, tenor & 2 bass soli, chorus & orchestra, 199u, [Abridged ed. ]., Novello, London
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Jephta Oratorium in zwei Teilen nach Thomas Morell, 1985, Neher, Caspar, Rennert, Günther och Morell, Thomas, Bärenreiter, Kassel
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Theodora S MS A T B soli (with small supporting part for T) : SATB chorus & orchestra, 1984, Shaw, Watkins, Novello, London
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Josua : Oratorium für vier Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester, 1972, Klavierauszug / Vocal score, C. F. Peters, Frankfurt, Gervinus, Georg Gottfried
Händel, Georg Friedrich, The triumph of time and truth Il trionfo del tempo e della verità : an oratorio, 1966, Gregg press, Farnborough ; Ridgewood, N.Y.
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Theodora an oratorio, 1965, Gregg press, Farnborough ; Ridgewood, N.Y.
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Triumph von Zeit und Wahrheit : nach Morell's englischer Übersetzung des italienischen Urtextes von Kardinal Panfili und der deutschen Übersetzung von Gervinus, 1937, Rahlwes, Alfred, Klavierauszug mit Text, F.E.C. Leuckart, Leipzig, Morell, Thomas
Händel, Georg Friedrich och Morell, Thomas, Judas Maccabäus : Oratorium, 1913, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Josua : Oratorium, 19uu, Morell, Thomas
Händel, Georg Friedrich och Morell, Thomas, Josua : Oratorium : För 1:a ggn uppfördt i Upsala d. 15 maj 1875, 1875, J. A. Josephson, Uppsala
Morell, Thomas, Lexicon Graeco-prosodiacum, 1824, Ed. altera, Londini
Händel, Georg Friedrich, Josua Oratorium, 18uu, Stern, Julius, C. F. Peters, Leipzig ; Berlin
Morell, Thomas, Exempla moralia [Elektronisk resurs] or, third book of new English examples, to be rendered into Latin, adapted to the rules of the Latin grammar, lately printed for the use of youth., 1796, A new edition revised., printed by M. Pote, Eton
Sacred annals, or The life of Christ, as recorded by the four evangelists [Elektronisk resurs] With practical observations; compiled from the works of Bp. Taylor, Locke, Chadock, Whiston, Le Clerc, Lamy, MacKnight, and other harmonizers of the Gospels, principally Dr. Dodderidge. Designed for general use; but particularly for the young gentlemen educated in the lower forms at Eton School., 1795, Morell, Thomas, A new edition., Printed for M. Pote, Eton
Morell, Thomas, Exempla minora [Elektronisk resurs] or, new English examples, to be rendered into Latin: adapted to the rules of the Latin grammar, printed at Eton; for the use of the lower forms., 1794, A new edition revised., printed by T. Pote, Eton
Morell, Thomas, Notes and annotations on Locke on the human understanding, written by order of the Queen; corresponding in section and page with the edition of 1793. By Thomas Morell, [Elektronisk resurs], 1794, printed for G. Sael, London
Morell, Thomas, Exempla moralia [Elektronisk resurs] or, third book of new English examples, to be rendered into Latin, adapted to the rules of the Latin grammar, lately printed for the use of youth., 1793, A new edition revised., printed by T. Pote, Eton
Ainsworth, Robert och Morell, Thomas, An abridgement of the last quarto edition of Ainsworth's dictionary, English and Latin [Elektronisk resurs] … By Thomas Morell, …, 1790, The third edition., printed by Charles Rivington, for J. Rivington and Sons, L. Davis, T. Payne and Son, T. Longman, [and 23 others in London], London
Morell, Thomas, Exempla moralia [Elektronisk resurs] or, third book of new English examples, to be rendered into Latin, adapted to the rules of the Latin grammar, lately printed for the use of youth., 1789, A new edition revised., printed by T. Pote, Eton
Morell, Thomas, Exempla minora [Elektronisk resurs] or, new English examples, to be rendered into Latin: adapted to the rules of the Latin grammar, lately printed at Eton; for the use of the lower forms., 1789, A new edition revised., printed by T. Pote, Eton
Morell, Thomas, The occasional oratorio [Elektronisk resurs] Being a favourite selection of sacred music. From the works of handel. To be performed in the church, on Friday, September 28, 1787., 1787, Printed for Dr. Miller, by T. Sanderson, Doncaster
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