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Rolf Sandström har skrifter i biblioteksdatabasen
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Skrifter av Rolf Sandström i biblioteksdatabasen ( visar bara de 25 senaste ) :
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Sandström, Rolf., Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials [Elektronisk resurs], 2024, 1st ed. 2024., Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, Cham
Sandström, Rolf., Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials [Elektronisk resurs], 2024, Springer, Cham
Zhang, Jing, Creep modeling and first-principles investigation of high-temperature alloys [Elektronisk resurs], 2021, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Sandström, Rolf, Mitt liv som myntsamlare, 2020, Göteborgs numismatiska förening, Göteborg
Sandström, Rolf, Hellas och de första mynten, 2019, Rolf Sandström, [Lindome]
Sui, Fangfei, Fundamental models and testing of creep in copper [Elektronisk resurs], 2018, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Wu, Rui och Sandström, Rolf, Influence of cold work and notches on creep failure of Cu-OFP, 2018, Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB, Stockholm
Sandström, Rolf, Göteborgs numismatiska förening 2003–2018, 2018, Göteborgs numismatiska förening, Göteborg
Blom, Tore, Persson, Tage och Sandström, Rolf, Norsjö – lokomobilerna : En dokumentation om lokal tillverkning av ånglokomobiler i Norra Västerbotten, 2017, Rubens maskinhistoriska saml., Götene
Sandström, Rolf, Slow strain rate tensile testing of friction stir welded Cu-OFP : constitutive equations for creep, 2017, Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB [Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co], Solna
Delandar, Arash Hosseinzadeh, Modeling defect structure evolution in spent nuclear fuel container materials [Elektronisk resurs], 2017, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Wu, Rui, Hagström, Joacim och Sandström, Rolf, Grain boundary sliding in phosphorus alloyed oxygen-free copper under creep, 2016, Svensk kärnbränslehantering (SKB), Stockholm
Sandström, Rolf, Romarna och deras mynt : med illustrationer från en samling antika mynt, 2013, Rolf Sandström, Göteborg
Sandström, Rolf, Farooq, Muhammad och Zurek, Joanna, Basic creep models for 25Cr20NiNbN austenitic stainless steels [Elektronisk resurs], Materials research innovations (Print), 2013, 17 nr 5, 355–359
Andersson-Östling, Henrik C. M. och Sandström, Rolf, Effect of loading rate on creep of phosphorous doped copper, 2012, Svensk kärnbränslehantering (SKB), Stockholm
Vujic, Stojan, Farooq, Muhammad, Sonderegger, Bermjard, Sandström, Rolf och Sommitsch, Christof, Numerical modelling and validation of precipitation kinetics in advanced creep resistant austenitic steel [Elektronisk resurs], Computer Methods in Materials Science, 2012, 12, 175–182
Andersson-Östling, Henrik C. M. och Sandström, Rolf, Survey of creep properties of copper intended for nuclear waste disposal, 2010, Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Stockholm
Källgren, Therese, Investigation and modelling of friction stir welded copper canisters [Elektronisk resurs], 2010, KTH, Stockholm
Wu, Rui, Seitisleam, Facredin och Sandström, Rolf, Creep properties of phosphorus alloyed oxygen free copper under multiaxial stress state, 2009, Svensk kärnbränslehantering (SKB), Stockholm
Sandström, Rolf, Hallgren, Josefin och Burman, Gunnar, Stress strain flow curves for Cu-OFP, 2009, Svensk kärnbränslehantering (SKB), Stockholm
Randelius, Mats, Influence of microstructure on fatigue and ductility properties of tool steels [Elektronisk resurs], 2008, KTH, Stockholm
Sandström, Rolf och Wu, Rui, Origin of the extra low creep ductility of copper without phosphorus, 2007, SKB, Stockholm
Andersson, Henrik C. M., Seitisleam, Facredin och Sandström, Rolf, Creep testing and creep loading experiments on friction stir welds in copper at 75°C, 2007, SKB, Stockholm
Zander, Johan, Modelling mechanical properties by analysing datasets of commercial alloys [Elektronisk resurs], 2007, KTH, Stockholm
Magnusson, Hans, Creep modelling of particle strengthened steels [Elektronisk resurs], 2007, KTH, Stockholm
Rolf Sandström har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Rolf Sandström i SwePub ( visar bara de 25 senaste ) :
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» Sök själv efter Rolf Sandström i SwePub
He, Jun Jing, Sandström, Rolf, Lü, Shuai Rui, Korzhavyi, Pavel A., Zhang, Jing, Qin, Hai Ying och Liu, Jia Bin, Predicting grain boundary sliding in metallic materials, Acta Materialia, 2025, 286, : Elsevier BV
Sandström, Rolf, Basic Modelling of General Strength and Creep Properties of Alloys, Crystals, 2024, 14 nr 1, : MDPI AG
Sandström, Rolf, Cavitation, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 185–203, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Cells and Subgrains : The Role of Cold Work, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 145–167, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Creep Ductility, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 257–273, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Creep with Low Stress Exponents, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 83–114, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Extrapolation, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 275–310, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Grain Boundary Sliding, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 169–184, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Precipitation Hardening, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 131–144, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Preface, Springer Series in Materials Science, 2024, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Primary Creep, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 59–81, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Solid Solution Hardening, Springer Series in Materials Science, 2024,, s. 115–129, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Stationary Creep, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 13–38, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Stress Strain Curves, Springer Series in Materials Science, 2024,, s. 39–58, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, Tertiary Creep, Springer Series in Materials Science, 2024,, s. 233–256, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, The Role of Cavitation in Creep-Fatigue Interaction, Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials, 2024,, s. 205–231, : Springer Nature
Sandström, Rolf, The Role of Fundamental Modeling, Springer Series in Materials Science, 2024,, s. 1–12, : Springer Nature
He, Junjing, Sandström, Rolf, Zhang, Jing och Qin, Hai-Ying, Application of soft constrained machine learning algorithms for creep rupture prediction of an austenitic heat resistant steel Sanicro 25, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 22, s. 923–937, : Elsevier BV
He, Junjing, Sandström, Rolf och Zhang, Jing, Evaluating creep rupture life in austenitic and martensitic steels with soft-constrained machine learning, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 27, s. 5165–5176, : Elsevier BV
He, Junjing, Sandström, Rolf, Zhang, Jing och Qin, Hai Ying, The role of strength distributions for premature creep failure, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25, s. 3444–3457, : Elsevier BV
Sandström, Rolf, Basic Analytical Modeling of Creep Strain Curves, Materials, 2023, 16 nr 9, : MDPI AG
Sandström, Rolf, Cavitation during creep-fatigue loading, Materials at High Temperature, 2023, 40 nr 2, s. 174–183, : Informa UK Limited
Sandström, Rolf, Creep at low stresses in aluminium (Harper-Dorn) and in an austenitic stainless steel with a stress exponent of 1, Materials Today Communications, 2023, 36, : Elsevier BV
Sandström, Rolf, Primary creep at low stresses in copper, Materials Science & Engineering, 2023, 873, : Elsevier BV
He, Jun-Jing och Sandström, Rolf, Creep rupture prediction using constrained neural networks with error estimates, Materials at High Temperature, 2022, 39 nr 3, s. 239–251, : Informa UK Limited
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