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Ljung, Rickard, Grünewald, Maria, Sundström, Anders, Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Zethelius, Björn, Comparison of years of life lost to 1,565 suicides versus 10,650 COVID-19 deaths in 2020 in Sweden [Elektronisk resurs] four times more years of life lost per suicide than per COVID-19 death, Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022, 127 nr 1
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Hedborg, Kerstin, Association between prescribed antidepressants and other prescribed drugs differ by gender [Elektronisk resurs] a nationwide register-based study in Sweden, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2019, 73 nr 1, 73–79
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, Bingefors, Kerstin, Hedborg, Kerstin och Isacson, Dag, Are men under-treated and women over-treated with antidepressants? [Elektronisk resurs] Findings from a cross-sectional survey in Sweden, BJPsych bulletin, 2017, 41 nr 1, 145–150
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, The influence of gender and depression on drug utilization : pharmacoepidemiological research in Sweden, 2017, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, The influence of gender and depression on drug utilization [Elektronisk resurs] Pharmacoepidemiological research in Sweden, 2017, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, Bingefors, Kerstin och Isacson, Dag, Self-Reported Depression and Prescription of Antidepressants; does Gender Matter? [Elektronisk resurs], Value in Health, 2015, 18 nr 3, A116-A116
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, The influence of gender and psychological distress on adherence to prescribed medication, 2014, Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University, Uppsala
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, The influence of gender and psychological distress on adherence to prescribed medication [Elektronisk resurs], 2014, Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University, Uppsala
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Bingerfors, Kerstin, The influence of symptoms of anxiety and depression on medication nonadherence and its causes [Elektronisk resurs] a population based survey of prescription drug users in Sweden, Patient Preference and Adherence, 2013, 7, 805–811
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Bingefors, Kerstin, Women and men report different behaviours in, and reasons for medication non-adherence [Elektronisk resurs] a nationwide Swedish survey, Pharmacy Practice, 2012, 10 nr 4, 207–221
Lena Thunander Sundbom har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Lena Thunander Sundbom i SwePub :
Observera att sökningen inte är helt perfekt och att flera personer kan ha samma namn.
» Sök själv efter Lena Thunander Sundbom i SwePub
Ljung, R, Grünewald, Maria, Sundström, Anders, Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Zethelius, Björn, Comparison of years of life lost to 1,565 suicides versus 10,650 COVID-19 deaths in 2020 in Sweden : four times more years of life lost per suicide than per COVID-19 death, Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022, 127 nr 1, : Upsala Medical Society
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Hedborg, Kerstin, Association between prescribed antidepressants and other prescribed drugs differ by gender : a nationwide register-based study in Sweden, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2019, 73 nr 1, s. 73–79, : Informa UK Limited
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, Bingefors, Kerstin, Hedborg, Kerstin och Isacson, Dag, Are men under-treated and women over-treated with antidepressants? : Findings from a cross-sectional survey in Sweden, BJPsych bulletin, 2017, 41 nr 3, s. 145–150, : Royal College of Psychiatrists
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, Förskrivning och följsamhet av antidepressiva hade koppling till kön, Läkartidningen, 2017, 114 nr 51–52, : Swedish Medical Association
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, The influence of gender and depression on drug utilization : Pharmacoepidemiological research in Sweden, 2017, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala
Sundbom Thunander, Lena, Bingefors, Kerstin och Isacson, Dag, Self-reported depression and prescription of antidepressants : Does gender matter?, Value in Health, 2015, 18 nr 3, s. A116-
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, Bingefors, Kerstin och Isacson, Dag, Self-Reported Depression and Prescription of Antidepressants; does Gender Matter?, Value in Health, 2015, 18 nr 3, s. A116-A116, : Elsevier BV
Thunander Sundbom, Lena, The influence of gender and psychological distress on adherence to prescribed medication, 2014, Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University, Uppsala
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Bingerfors, Kerstin, The influence of symptoms of anxiety and depression on medication nonadherence and its causes : a population based survey of prescription drug users in Sweden, Patient Preference and Adherence, 2013, 7, s. 805–811
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Bingefors, Kerstin, Women and men report different behaviours in, and reasons for medication non-adherence : a nationwide Swedish survey, Pharmacy Practice, 2012, 10 nr 4, s. 207–221
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Bingefors, Kerstin, Women and men report different behaviours in, and reasons for medication non-adherence : a nationwide Swedish survey [Hombres y mujeres comunican diferentes comportamientos y razones para el incumplimiento de la medicación: Encuesta nacional Sueca], Pharmacy Practice, 2012, 10 nr 4, s. 207–221
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Hedborg, Kerstin, Gender differences in the association between prescribed antidepressants and other prescribed drugs : a nationwide register-based study in Sweden
Thunander Sundbom, Lena och Hedborg, Kerstin, Gender differences in the association between prescribed antidepressants and other prescribed drugs : a nationwide register-based study in Sweden
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