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Joel Frykholm har skrifter i biblioteksdatabasen
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Skrifter av Joel Frykholm i biblioteksdatabasen :
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The institutionalization of educational cinema : North America and Europe in the 1910s and 1920s, 2019, Dahlquist, Marina och Frykholm, Joel, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana
Frykholm, Joel, George Kleine and American cinema : the movie business and film culture in the silent era, 2015, BFI och BFI, London och London
Frykholm, Joel, George Kleine and American Cinema : The Movie Business and Film Culture in the Silent Era [Elektronisk resurs], 2015
Frykholm, Joel, George Kleine and American Cinema : The Movie Business and Film Culture in the Silent Era [Elektronisk resurs], 2015
Frykholm, Joel, "A red-blooded romance", or Americanizing early multi-reel feature cinema : the case of The Spoilers, Media, popular culture, and the American century, 2010, s. 62–100
Frykholm, Joel, Framing the feature film [Elektronisk resurs] multi-reel feature film and American film culture in the 1910s, 2009, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis : eddy.se [distributör] och US-AB, Stockholm och Stockholm
Frykholm, Joel, Framing the feature film : multi-reel feature film and American film culture in the 1910s, 2009, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis : eddy.se [distributör] och Universitetsservice US-AB, Stockholm och Stockholm
Frykholm, Joel, George Kleine and American Cinema: The Movie Business and Film Culture in the Silent Era [Elektronisk resurs], uuuu
Joel Frykholm har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Joel Frykholm i SwePub :
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» Sök själv efter Joel Frykholm i SwePub
Frykholm, Joel, Art cinema, film policy and the slaughterhouse of Swedish cinema, Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 2023, 13 nr 3, s. 219–241
Frykholm, Joel och Mrozewicz, Anna Estera, Special Issue: ‘Contemporary Scandinavian Art Cinema and Screen Cultures in Transition’, Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 2023, 13 nr 3, s. 215–218
Frykholm, Joel, Flying into Wedlock at 300 km/h : Gender, Sexuality, and the Modern Woman in Hon, den enda (Isepa, 1926), IMAGO Studi di Cinema e Media, 2022, 26 nr 2, s. 47–71
Frykholm, Joel, Rereading the Swedish Agitation against American Cinema in the 1920s through the Eyes of the US Government, Film History. An International Journal, 2022, 34 nr 2, s. 1–34
Frykholm, Joel, Critical Thinking and the Humanities : A Case Study of Conceptualizations and Teaching Practices at the Section for Cinema Studies at Stockholm University, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 2021, 20 nr 3, s. 253–273, : SAGE Publications
Frykholm, Joel, From the Extraordinary to the Everyday : Discourses on American Quality Serial Television in Sweden’s Leading Newspapers and the Breakthrough of Streaming TV, New Review of Film and Television Studies, 2021, 19 nr 4, s. 462–484, : Informa UK Limited
Frykholm, Joel, Renegotiating Quality TV in the Swedish Press : American Serial Television and Sweden’s Post-Monopoly Television Landscape, Nordicom Review, 2021, 41 nr 1, s. 59–78, : Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Frykholm, Joel, Trade stories, film policy and radical uncertainty : Remarks on Scandinavian cinema and COVID-19 inspired by ‘Digging the digital?’, Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 2021, 11 nr 2, s. 195–205, : Intellect
Frykholm, Joel, The Not-So-Golden Age of Swedish Silent Cinema? Historiographies of Isepa (1926–1928), Kosmorama, 2020 nr 278
Frykholm, Joel, The Not-So-Golden Age of Swedish Silent Cinema? Historiographies of Isepa (1926–1928), Kosmorama (København), 2020 nr 278
Dahlquist, Marina och Frykholm, Joel, Introduction, The Institutionalization of Educational Cinema, 2019,, s. 1–16, Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press
Frykholm, Joel, Förbättringar av stödsystemet för uppsatsskrivande inom ramen för Master's Program in Cinema Studies vid Stockholms universitet, 2019, Centrum för universitetslärarutbildning, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm
Frykholm, Joel, George Kleine and the Institutional Film Exchange : An Experiment in Nontheatrical Film Distribution, 1921–1929, The Institutionalization of Educational Cinema, 2019,, s. 164–200, Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press
The Institutionalization of Educational Cinema : North America and Europe in the 1910s and 1920s, 2019, Dahlquist, Marina och Frykholm, Joel, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana
Frykholm, Joel, George Kleine and American cinema : the movie business and film culture in the silent era, 2015, BFI Publishing/Palgrave
Frykholm, Joel, “Cycles," "Libraries," and Archival Logics in American Cinema in the 1910s : The Case of "George Kleine’s Cycle of Film Classics" (1916), 2014
Frykholm, Joel, Career History, Industry History, and the Problem of Uncertainty : George Kleine and the American Film Industry, 1890–1920, 2013
Frykholm, Joel, Early Hollywood, American Empire, and George Kleine’s Educational Cinema, 2012
Frykholm, Joel, From Movie Palace to Media Spaces : New Perspectives on the Exhibition Contexts of the Early Multi-Reel Feature Film, 1913–1915, 2012
Frykholm, Joel, Gunnar Iversen Norsk filmhistorie, Norsk Medietidsskrift, 2012, 19 nr 1, s. 77–80
Frykholm, Joel, Local Showmanship in the Early Feature Era : The Case of Stanley Mastbaum, Beyond the screen, 2012,, s. 263–270, New Barnet, U.K. : John Libbey Publishing
Frykholm, Joel, "A Red-Blooded Romance"; or, Americanizing Early Multi-Reel Feature Cinema : the Case of The Spoilers, Media, popular culture, and the American century, 2010,, s. 62–100, Stockholm : Kungliga biblioteket
Frykholm, Joel, Framing the Feature Film : Multi-Reel Feature Film and American Film Culture in the 1910s, 2009, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm
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