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Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Western funding and its consequences for the Ugandan LGBT+ rights struggle : negotiating community dynamics and activism during Pride 2022, Global LGBTQ activism, 2024, Sidorna 43–62
Strand, Cecilia, Eriksson, Åsa och Svensson, Jakob, Understanding the current backlash against LGBTIQ+ rights through the lens of heteroactivism [Elektronisk resurs] A case study of the International Organization for the Family’s transnational norm diffusion on Twitter, Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 2024, 6 nr 1, 221–243
Svensson, Jakob, Digital kulturanalys : att studera medieteknikens människor ur ett holistiskt perspektiv, Tekniska mediestudier, 2023, Sidorna 81–104
Svensson, Jakob och Strand, Cecilia, The Promise of Double Living. Understanding Young People with Same-Sex Desires in Contemporary Kampala [Elektronisk resurs], Journal of Homosexuality, 2023, 1–20
Svensson, Jakob, Analysing the emergence of risk : -an opportunity for patient safety, 2023, Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund University och Media-Tryck, Lund och Lund
Klinger, Ulrike och Svensson, Jakob, The power of code : women and the making of the digital world, Women in the digital world, 2023, Sidorna 84–99
Rosales, Andrea, Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia och Svensson, Jakob, Digital Ageism : How it Operates and Approaches to Tackling it [Elektronisk resurs], 2023, Routledge
Svensson, Jakob, Analysing the emergence of risk : – an opportunity for patient safety [Elektronisk resurs], 2023, Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Lund
Rosales, Andrea., Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia. och Svensson, Jakob., Digital Ageism. [Elektronisk resurs] : How It Operates and Approaches to Tackling It., 2023, Taylor & Francis Group, Milton
Stypinska, Justyna, Rosales, Andrea och Svensson, Jakob, Silicon Valley ageism [Elektronisk resurs] ideologies and practices of expulsion in the technology industry, Digital Ageism, 2023, 53–70
Rosales, Andrea, Svensson, Jakob och Fernandez Ardevol, Mireia, Digital Ageism in Data Societies [Elektronisk resurs], Digital Ageism, 2023, 1–17
Svensson, Jakob, Technology culture as youth oriented [Elektronisk resurs], Digital Ageism, 2023, 71–87
Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Challenging the legacy of the past and present intimate colonialization – a study of Ugandan LGBT plus activism in times of shrinking communicative space [Elektronisk resurs], Information, Communication and Society, 2023, 26 nr 12, 2488–2505
Klinger, Ulrike och Svensson, Jakob, The Power of Code [Elektronisk resurs] Women and the making of the digital world, Women in the Digital World, 2023, 84–99
Svensson, Jakob, Vem är populärast i på den politiska skolgården? [Elektronisk resurs], Snabbtänkt, 2022, 84–84
Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Towards a Situated Understanding of Vulnerability – An Analysis of Ugandan LGBT plus Exposure to Hate Crimes in Digital Spaces [Elektronisk resurs], Journal of Homosexuality, 2022
Schmuck, Stefan, Bayesian Inference for Microwave Diagnostics at Joint European Torus [Elektronisk resurs], 2022, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Svensson, Jakob, Coffee with the Algorithm [Elektronisk resurs] Imaginaries, maintenance and care in the everyday life of a news-ranking algorithm, Everyday Automation, 2022, 114–125
Svensson, Jakob, Modern mathemagics : values and biases in tech culture, Systematic bias, 2022, Sidorna 21–39
Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Foreign norm entrepreneurs’ mis-and disinformation narratives on LGBT+ in Europe [Elektronisk resurs], Medijska Istrazivanja, 2022, 28 nr 2, 109–132
Klinger, Ulrike och Svensson, Jakob, The power of code [Elektronisk resurs] women and the making of the digital world, Information, Communication and Society, 2021, 24 nr 14, 2075–2090
Svensson, Jakob, Logics, tensions and negotiations in the everyday life of a news-ranking algorithm [Elektronisk resurs], Journalism – Theory, Practice & Criticism, 2021
För en tid som denna : Svenska alliansmissionen – självförståelse, teologi och ledarskap, 2021, Svensson, Jakob, Melin, Jonas och Skoghäll, Lina, Libris, [Stockholm]
Filimonov, Kirill, The Performance of Participation in Russian Alternative Media [Elektronisk resurs] Discourse, Materiality and Affect in Grassroots Media Production in Contemporary Russia, 2021, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala
Jävervall, Sebastian, Corruption, Distortions and Development [Elektronisk resurs], 2021, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, Uppsala
Jakob Svensson har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Klinger, Ulrike och Svensson, Jakob, Network media logic revisited : How social media have changed the logics of the campaign environment, The Routledge Handbook of Political Campaigning, 2024,, s. 30–44, : Routledge
Sen, Sreyashi, Essays on Markets and Institutions in Developing Countries, 2024, Department of Economics, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Sheffel, Ashley, Andrews, Kathryn G., Conner, Ruben, Di Giorgio, Laura, Evans, David K., Gatti, Roberta, Lindelow, Magnus, Sharma, Jigyasa, Svensson, Jakob, Wane, Waly och Tärneberg, Anna Welander, Human resource challenges in health systems : evidence from 10 African countries , Health Policy and Planning, 2024, 39 nr 7, s. 693–709
Strand, Cecilia, Eriksson, Åsa och Svensson, Jakob, Understanding the current backlash against LGBTIQ+ rights through the lens of heteroactivism : A case study of the International Organization for the Family’s transnational norm diffusion on Twitter, Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 2024, 6 nr 1, s. 221–243, : Walter de Gruyter
Svensson, Jakob och Strand, Cecilia, Development cooperation and the stratification of lesbian, gay, bi- and transsexual activism : international donors, elite activists and community members during Uganda Pride 2022, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2024, : Bristol University Press
Svensson, Jakob och Strand, Cecilia, Development cooperation and the stratification of lesbian, gay, bi- and transsexual activism: international donors, elite activists and community members during Uganda Pride 2022, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2024,, s. 1–21
Svensson, Jakob, Exploring patient safety risk in an emergency ward for substance use through a mixed-method analysis, BMC Health Services Research, 2024, 24
Svensson, Jakob och Strand, Cecilia, The Promise of Double Living. Understanding Young People with Same-Sex Desires in Contemporary Kampala, Journal of Homosexuality, 2024, 71 nr 8, s. 2010–2029, : Routledge
Svensson, Jakob, Edenborg, Emil och Strand, Cecilia, We are queer and the struggle is here! Visibility at the intersection of LGBT+ rights, post-coloniality, and development cooperation in Uganda, Sexualities, 2024, : Sage Publications
Svensson, Jakob, Larsson, Anders Olof och Strand, Cecilia, Who relates to whom and according to which rationale? : Visibility and advocacy in the Ugandan LGBT plus Twittersphere, New Media and Society, 2024, : Sage Publications
Björkman Nyqvist, Martina, von Carnap, Tillmann, Guariso, Andrea och Svensson, Jakob, Weather Shocks, Child Mortality, and Adaptation: Experimental Evidence from Uganda, 2023, medRxiv
Klinger, Ulrike och Svensson, Jakob, The Power of Code : Women and the making of the digital world, Women in the Digital World, 2023,, s. 84–99, London : Routledge
Loiacono, Francesco, Firms and Labor Markets : Essays in Development Economics, 2023, Department of Economics, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Rosales, Andrea, Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia och Svensson, Jakob, Digital Ageism : How it operates and approaches to tackling it, 2023, Routledge, London
Rosales, Andrea, Svensson, Jakob och Fernandez Ardevol, Mireia, Digital Ageism in Data Societies, Digital Ageism, 2023,, s. 1–17, : Routledge
Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Challenging the legacy of the past and present intimate colonialization – a study of Ugandan LGBT plus activism in times of shrinking communicative space, Information, Communication and Society, 2023, 26 nr 12, s. 2488–2505, : Routledge
Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Towards a Situated Understanding of Vulnerability : An Analysis of Ugandan LGBT plus Exposure to Hate Crimes in Digital Spaces, Journal of Homosexuality, 2023, 70 nr 12, s. 2806–2827, : Routledge
Strand, Cecilia och Svensson, Jakob, Western funding and its consequences for the Ugandan LGBT+ rights struggle : negotiating community dynamics and activism during Pride 2022, Global LGBTQ Activism, 2023,, s. 43–62, London : Routledge
Stypinska, Justyna, Rosales, Andrea och Svensson, Jakob, Silicon Valley ageism : ideologies and practices of expulsion in the technology industry, Digital Ageism, 2023,, s. 53–70, : Routledge
Svensson, Jakob, Enflo, Kerstin, Johansson, Per, Fredriksson, Peter, Hjalmarsson, Randi och Andersson, Tommy, 2023 års ekonomipris till Claudia Goldin, Ekonomisk Debatt, 2023, 51 nr 8, s. 38–45
Svensson, Jakob, Analysing the emergence of risk : – an opportunity for patient safety, 2023
Svensson, Jakob, Artificial intelligence is an oxymoron : The importance of an organic body when facing unknown situations as they unfold in the present moment, AI & Society, 2023, 38 nr 1, s. 363–372, : Springer
Svensson, Jakob och Strand, Cecilia, Development cooperation & the stratification of LGBT+ activism international donors, elite activists & community members in Uganda Pride 2022, 2023
Svensson, Jakob, Digital kulturanalys : att studera medieteknikens människor ur ett holistiskt perspektiv, Tekniska mediestudier, 2023,, s. 81–104, : Studentlitteratur AB
Svensson, Jakob, Foreword, Pandemics in the Age of Social Media, 2023, : Routledge
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