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Fredrik Björklund har skrifter i biblioteksdatabasen
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Björklund, Fredrik, Giese, Laura och Tellhed, Una, Pedagogisk verksamhet : ett verktyg för framtida kompetensförsörjning?, 2023, Svenskt vatten AB, Bromma
Henriksson, Robin, Björklund, Fredrik och Mooe, Thomas, The introduction of ticagrelor is associated with lower rates of recurrent ischemic stroke after myocardial infarction [Elektronisk resurs], PLoS ONE, 2019, 14 nr 5
Lindqvist, Anna och Björklund, Fredrik, Do we trust the poor? Probing a game paradigm for measuring discriminatory behavior [Elektronisk resurs], 2018, Lund University, Lund
Jørgensen, Øyvind, Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, Judgments of warmth and competence in a computerized paradigm [Elektronisk resurs] little evidence of proposed impression formation asymmetries., PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 nr 4
Erlandsson, Arvid, Björklund, Fredrik och Bäckström, Martin, Choice-justifications after allocating resources in helping dilemmas [Elektronisk resurs], Judgment and decision making, 2017, 12 nr 1, 60–80
Jakobsson, Stina, Huber, Daniel, Björklund, Fredrik och Mooe, Thomas, Implementation of a new guideline in cardiovascular secondary preventive care [Elektronisk resurs] subanalysis of a randomized controlled trial, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2016, 16
Jörgensen, Öyvind, Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, A measure of internal and external motivation to control in-group bias [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund
Björklund, Fredrik, Moral cognition: Individual differences, intuition and reasoning in moral judgment [Elektronisk resurs], 2016, Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund
Jakobsson, Stina, Irewall, Anna-Lotta, Björklund, Fredrik och Mooe, Thomas, Cardiovascular secondary prevention in high-risk patients [Elektronisk resurs] a randomized controlled trial sub-study, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2015, 15
Motivational internalism, 2015, Björnsson, Gunnar, Strandberg, Caj, Francén Olinder, Ragnar, Eriksson, John och Björklund, Fredrik, Oxford University Press, New York
Mooe, Thomas, Björklund, Fredrik, Graipe, Anna, Huber, Daniel, Jakobsson, Stina, Kajermo, Ulf, Strömvall, Anna och Ulvenstam, Anders, The Nurse-Based Age Independent Intervention to Limit Evolution of Disease After Acute Coronary Syndrome (NAILED ACS) Risk Factor Trial [Elektronisk resurs] Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, JMIR Research Protocols, 2014, 3 3
Motivational internalism [Elektronisk resurs], 2014, Björnsson, Gunnar, Björklund, Fredrik, Strandberg, Caj, Eriksson, John och Olinder, Ragnar Francén, Oxford University Press, New York
Jakobsson, Stina, Bergström, Lisa, Björklund, Fredrik, Jernberg, Tomas, Söderström, Lars och Mooe, Thomas, Risk of ischemic stroke after an acute myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes mellitus [Elektronisk resurs], Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2014, 7 nr 1, 95–101
Samantha, Sinclair, Tellhed, Una och Björklund, Fredrik, The Relation between Students’ Implicit Researcher-Gender Associations and Perceptions of a Research Career, 2013, Lund
Björklund, Fredrik, Platelet reactivity and comorbidities in acute coronary syndrome [Elektronisk resurs], 2012, Umeå universitet, Umeå
Agerström, Jens, Björklund, Fredrik och Allwood, Carl Martin, The Effects of Time and Abstraction on Moral Concerns, 2009, Lund Psychological Reports, Lund
Rohner, Jean-Christophe, Mårtensson, Johan och Björklund, Fredrik, Transforming fiction into fact : flawed reality, monitoring of socially sensitive person, information, 2007, Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund
Ebba och Didrik, 2007, Schildt, Peter och Herrström, Christina, Pan Vision, Stockholm
Björklund, Fredrik, Just because it's disgusting does make it more wrong : level of disgust affects moral judgment, 2004, Department of Psychology, Lund University [Psykologiska instutionen, Lunds universitet], Lund
Rohner, Jean Christophe och Björklund, Fredrik, Implicit and explicit homonegativity as moderated by self-presentation concerns and sexual orientation, 2004, Department of Psychology, Lund University [Psykologiska instutionen, Lunds universitet], Lund
Björklund, Fredrik, Attitudes to gender, age, and sexual preferences in a Swedish setting : results with the implicit association test, 2003, Department of Psychology, Lund University [Psykologiska instutionen, Lunds universitet], Lund
Björklund, Fredrik, Emotion and social motivation in university students' real life moral dilemmas, 2002, Department of Psychology, Lund University [Psykologiska instutionen, Lunds universitet], Lund
Björklund, Fredrik och Hursti, Timo J., A Swedish translation and validation of the disgust scale : an individual difference measure of disgust sensitivity, 2002, Department of Psychology, Lund University [Psykologiska instutionen, Lunds universitet], Lund
Björklund, Fredrik, Moral cognition : individual differences, intuition and reasoning in moral judgement, 2000, Lund och Lund, KFS
Björklund, Fredrik, Moral cognition individual differences, intuition and reasoning in moral judgement, 2000, Lund
Fredrik Björklund har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, Why forced-choice and Likert items provide the same information on personality, including social desirability, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2024, 84 nr 3, s. 549–576
Falkenström, Fredrik, Bjeren, Jonatan, Björklund, Fredrik, Holmqvist, Rolf och Ekeblad, Annika, Patient Attachment and Reflective Functioning as Predictors for Therapist In-Session Feelings, Journal of counseling psychology, 2024, 71 nr 3, s. 190–201, : American Psychological Association (APA)
Lindén, Magnus, Björklund, Fredrik och Wilkes, George, Can visiting genocide memorials make you more empathic?, The Conversation, 2024
Björklund, Fredrik, Giese, Laura och Tellhed, Una, Pedagogisk verksamhet – ett verktyg för framtida kompetensförsörjning?, 2023, 09
Bäckström, Martin, Björklund, Fredrik, Maddux, Rachel och Lindén, Magnus, The NB5I: A full-scale Big-Five inventory with evaluatively neutralized items, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2023, 39 nr 2, s. 132–140, : Hogrefe Publishing Group
Mayiwar, Lewend och Björklund, Fredrik, Fear and anxiety differ in construal level and scope, Cognition and Emotion, 2023, 37 nr 3, s. 559–571, : Informa UK Limited
Tellhed, Una, Björklund, Fredrik, Kallio Strand, Kalle och Schöttelndreier, Karolin, “Programming is Not That Hard!”. When a Science Center Visit Increases Young Women’s Programming Ability Beliefs, Journal for STEM Education Research, 2023, 6, s. 252–274
Tellhed, Una, Björklund, Fredrik och Kallio Strand, Kalle, Tech-savvy men and caring women: Middle school students’ gender stereotypes predict interest in tech-education, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research och Sex Roles, 2023, 88, s. 307–325 och 88, s. 307–325, : Springer Science and Business Media LLC och : Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Giese, Laura, Tellhed, Una och Björklund, Fredrik, STEM by the Lake: Raising High School Women’s Engineering Self-Efficacy and Belongingness through an Educational Intervention about Water Issues and Careers, International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 2022, 14 nr 2, s. 207–231
Kahn, Dennis, Björklund, Fredrik och Hirschberger, Gilad, The intent and extent of collective threats: A data-driven conceptualization of collective threats and their relation to political preferences., Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2022, 151 nr 5, s. 1178–1198, : American Psychological Association (APA)
Omerovic, Elmir, Erlinge, David, Koul, Sasha, Fröbert, Ole, Andersson, Jonas, Ponten, Johan, Björklund, Fredrik, Kastberg, Robert, Petzold, Max, Ljungman, Charlotta, Bolin, Kristian och Redfors, Björn, Rationale and Design of Switch Swedeheart: A Registry-Based, Stepped-Wedge, Cluster-Randomized, Open-Label Multicenter Trial to Compare Prasugrel and Ticagrelor for Treatment of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome., American heart journal, 2022, 251, s. 70–77, : Elsevier BV
Tellhed, Una, Björklund, Fredrik och Kallio Strand, Kalle, Sure I can code (But do I want to?). Why boys’ and girls’ programming beliefs differ and the effects of mandatory programming education, Computers in Human Behavior, 2022, 135, : Elsevier BV
Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, Is the General Factor of Personality really related to frequency of agreeable, conscientious, emotionally stable, extraverted, and open behavior? : An experience sampling study, Journal of Individual Differences, 2021, 42 nr 3, s. 148–155, : Hogrefe Publishing Group
Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, Socially desirable responding in experience sampling : Consequences for personality research, Journal of Individual Differences, 2021, 42 nr 4, s. 157–166, : Hogrefe Publishing Group
Graipe, Anna, Bleeding complications after acute coronary syndrome with special reference to intracranial hemorrhage, 2021, Umeå University, Umeå
Kahn, Dennis, Björklund, Fredrik och Hirschberger, Gilad, Why are our political rivals so blind to the problems facing society? Evidence that political leftists and rightists in Israel mentally construe collective threats differently., Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 2021, 27 nr 3, s. 426–435, : American Psychological Association (APA)
Kallio Strand, Kalle, Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, Accounting for the evaluative factor in self-ratings provides a more accurate estimate of the relationship between personality traits and well-being, Journal of Research in Personality, 2021, 93, : Elsevier BV
Klysing, Amanda, Lindqvist, Anna och Björklund, Fredrik, Stereotype Content at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation, Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12, : Frontiers Media SA
Klysing, Amanda, Lindqvist, Anna och Björklund, Fredrik, Stereotype Content at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation : Heterocentrism in Gender Stereotypes, 2021
Mayiwar, Lewend och Björklund, Fredrik, Fear from afar, not so risky after all: Distancing moderates the relationship between fear and risk taking, Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12, s. 1–16, : Frontiers Media SA
Bäckström, Martin, Björklund, Fredrik, Persson, Rebecka och Costa, Ariela, Five-factor personality inventories have a competence-related higher-order factor due to item phrasing, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, : Frontiers Media SA
Bäckström, Martin och Björklund, Fredrik, The properties and utility of less evaluative personality scales: Reduction of social desirability; increase of construct and discriminant validity., Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, s. 1–15, : Frontiers Media SA
Cancino-Montecinos, Sebastian, Björklund, Fredrik och Lindholm, Torun, A General Model of Dissonance Reduction : Unifying Past Accounts via an Emotion Regulation Perspective, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, : Frontiers Media SA
Cancino Montecinos, Sebastian, New perspectives on cognitive dissonance theory, 2020, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Henriksson, Robin, Secondary prevention after acute coronary syndrome : antiplatelet therapy and risk factor control, 2020, Umeå Universitet, Umeå
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