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Tran, Hoai Anh och Schlyter, Ann, Gender and class in urban transport [Elektronisk resurs] the cases of Xian and Hanoi, Environment & Urbanization, 2010, 22 nr 1, 139–155
Kondwani Chipeta, Lucy, Body politics and women citizens : African experiences, 2009, Schlyter, Ann, Sida, Stockholm
Schlyter, Ann, Introduction, Body politics and women citizens : African experiences, 2009, s. 11–24
Urban experiences of gender generations and social justice, 2007, Mapetla, Matseliso, Schlyter, Ann och Bless, Basia D., Institute of Southern African Studies. National University of Lesotho, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Ageing in Zambian cities, 2006, Institute of Southern African Studies. National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
Gender, generation and urban living conditions in southern Africa, 2005, Kalabamu, Faustin, Mapetla, E. R. M. och Schlyter, Ann, Institute of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Gender mainstreaming in Swedish universities : paper to conference in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 2004, Centre for Global Studies, Göteborg university, Göteborg
Schlyter, Ann, Multi-habitation : urban housing and everyday life in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, 2003, Nordic Africa Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), Uppsala
Gender and urban housing in southern Africa : emerging issues, 2003, Larsson, Anita, Mapetla, Matseliso och Schlyter, Ann, Institute of Southern African Studies, National Univ. of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Multi-habitation [Elektronisk resurs] urban housing and everyday life in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, 2003, Nordic Africa Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet och Elander digitaltryck, Uppsala och Göteborg
Schlyter, Ann, Empowered with ownership : privatisation of housing in Lusaka, Zambia, 2002, ISAS, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Experience of cooperation in gender research on urbanisation and housing in Southern Africa, Power, resources and culture in a gender perspective : towards a dialogue between gender research and development practice : proceedings from a conference arranged by the Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, in cooperation with Sida 26–27 October, 2000, 2001, s. 74–81, [2001]
Schlyter, Ann, Recycled inequalities : youth and gender in George compound, Zambia, 1999, Nordic Africa Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet och Motala grafiska, Uppsala och Motala
Schlyter, Ann, Recycled inequalities [Elektronisk resurs] : youth and gender in George compound, Zambia, 1999, Nordic Africa Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), Uppsala
Schlyter, Ann, Women are plenty – men are scarce : views on gender and sexuality among the youts of George compound in Lusaka, 1998, RFSU, Stockholm
Changing gender relations in Southern Africa : issues of urban life, 1998, Larsson, Anita, Mapetla, Matseliso och Schlyter, Ann, National Univ. of Lesotho, Institute of Southern African Studies ; African Books Collective [distributor], Lesotho : Oxford
Schlyter, Ann, Gender research and challenge of the Cairo Conference, Twice humanity : implications for local and global resource use, 1998, s. 25–29, Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1998
Schlyter, Ann, Gender research and challenges of the Cairo conference, Twice humanity, 1998, s. 25–29, Uppsala 1998
Iliffe, John och Schlyter, Ann, Afrika : historien om en kontinent, 1997, Historiska media och AIT Scandbook, Lund och Falun, Sandin, Gunnar
Schlyter, Ann, Urban community organisation and the transition to a multi-party democracy in Zambia, Democratisation in the Third World / edited by Lars Rudebeck & Olle Törnquist with Virgilio Rojas, 1996, s. [265]-286, Uppsala : Seminar for Development Studies [Seminariet för utvecklingsstudier], Univ., 1996
A place to live : gender research on housing in Africa, 1996, Schlyter, Ann och Arnfred, Signe, Nordic Africa Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet ; Almqvist & Wiksell International [distributör] och Gotab, Uppsala : Stockholm och Stockholm
Schlyter, Ann, This place is my home : women's perspectives on housing, Human settlements, 1996, s. 55–67, Stockholm, 1996
Schlyter, Ann, Women's responces to political changes in Southern Africa : common grounds and differences, FREIA, 1996, 30, 1996. – 15 s
A place to live [Elektronisk resurs] gender research on housing in Africa, 1996, Schlyter, Ann och Arnfred, Signe, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala
A Place to live : gender research on housing in Africa, 1996, Schlyter, Ann., Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala
Ann Schlyter har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Oldfield, S., Matshaka, N. S., Salo, E. och Schlyter, Ann, In bodies and homes: Gendering citizenship in Southern African cities, Urbani Izziv, 2019, 30 nr Suppl., s. 37–51, : Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Schlyter, Ann, Recycled inequalities. Youth and gender in George compound, Zambia, 2011, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany
Thynell, Marie, Schlyter, Ann och Tran, Hoai Anh, Sustainable urban transport and social justice: Case studies in Ha Noi and Xi’an : Research Report, 2010, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg
Tran, Hoai Anh och Schlyter, Ann, Gender and class in urban transport: the cases of Xian and Hanoi, Environment and Urbanization, 2010, 22 nr 1, s. 139–155, : SAGE Publications
Body politics and women citizens – African experiences, 2009, Schlyter, Ann, Sida, Stockholm
Malmström, Maria, Bearing the Pain: Changing Views of the Meaning and Morality of Suffering, Body Politics and Women Citizens: African Experiences, 2009, 24, s. 104–114, Schlyter, Ann
Oldfield, Sophie, Salö, Elain och Schlyter, Ann, Editorial: Body Politics and the Gendered Crafting of Citizenship, Feminist Africa, 2009, 13, s. 1–10
Schlyter, Ann, Body politics and the Crafting of Citizenship in Peri-urban Lusaka, Feminist Africa, 2009, 13, s. 23–43
Schlyter, Ann, Research on Africa : A Swedish perspective, The study of Africa. Volume 2. Global and transnational engagements. Paul Tiyame Zeleza (ed.), 2007, Dakar, Senegal : CODESRIA
Schlyter, Ann och Tran, Hoai Anh, Unequal impacts of privatisation of housing : The cases of Lusaka and Hanoi, Crossing boundaries. Gender, generation and social justice in an urbanising world. Mapetla, Schlyter and Bless (eds.), 2007, Roma, Lesotho : National University of Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Who can sit and eat? : Reflections on gendered generational support in Zambia, Urban experiences of gender, generation and social justice in an urbanising world. Mapetla, Schlyter and Bless (eds.), 2007, Roma, Lesotho : National University of Lesotho
Urban experiences of gender, generation and social justice in an urbanising world, 2007, Mapetla, Matseliso, Schlyter, Ann och Bless, Basia, National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Ageing in Zambian cities : Research report, 2006, National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Esther's house : One woman's 'home eocnomics' in Chitungqiza, Zimbabwe, African urban eocnimies. Viability, vitality or vitiation? Deborah Fahy Bryceson and Deborah Potts (eds.), 2006,, s. 254–278, Houndsmill and New York : Palgrave Macmillan
Gender, generation and urban living conditions in southern Africa, 2005, Schlyter, Ann, Kalabamu, Faustin och Mapetla, Matseliso, Institute of Southern African Studies (ISAS), National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Elderly women's living conditions and property rights in Zambian cities, Gender, generation and urban living conditions in southern Africa. Kalabamu, Mapetla and Schlyter (eds.), 2005,, s. 263–288, Roma, Lesotho : Institute of Southern African Studies (ISAS), National University of Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Everyday life in the city : On urban policies and the shaping of African urban cultures, Horizons. Perspectives on global Africa. Elisabeth Abiri & Håkan Thörn (eds.), 2005,, s. 199–225, Lund : Studentlitteratur
Schlyter, Ann, Gender issues in housing privatisation : Intricacies of property transfer in Zambia, Trialog, 2004 nr 80
Schlyter, Ann, Gender mainstreaming in Swedish universities : Paper to conference in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, CGGS paper series (Centre for global gender studies), working papers, 2004 nr 2
Schlyter, Ann, Our common estate : Privatization of council housing in Lusaka, Zambia, 2004, RICS Foundation, London
Schlyter, Ann, Multi-habitation : urban housing and everyday life in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, 2003, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala
Schlyter, Ann, Privatisation of public housing and exclusion of women. A case study in Lusaka, Zambia, Larsson, Mapetla & Schlyter (eds.), Gender and housing in Southern Africa: Emerging issues, 2003, Roma, Lesotho : University of Lesotho, Institute for Southern African Studies
Schlyter, Ann, Empowered with ownership: Privatisation of housing in Lusaka, Zambia, 2002, National University of Lesotho, Institute for Southern African Studies, Roma, Lesotho
Schlyter, Ann, Experience of cooperation in gender research on urbanisation and housing in Southern Africa, Power, resources and culture in a gender perspective : towards a dialogue between gender research and development practice : proceedings from a conference arranged by the Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, in cooperation with Sida 26–27 October, 2000, 2001,, s. 74–81, Uppsala, Stockholm : Uppsala Universitet, Sida
Schlyter, Ann, Recycled inequalities : youth and gender in George compound, Zambia, 1999, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala
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