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Medverkande i utredning : Anders Biel
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Dir. 1995:10 Tilläggsdirektiv om en hållbar utveckling i landets fjällområden
Dir. 1998:65 Strategier för utveckling av ett ekologiskt hållbart näringsliv
Dir. 2011:67 Tilläggsdirektiv till Miljövårdsberedningen (Jo 1968:A) – Miljöforskningsberedningen [ pdf || ]Dir. 2015:78 Tilläggsdirektiv till Miljövårdsberedningen (Jo 1968:A) – vetenskapligt råd för hållbar utveckling [ pdf || ]Betänkanden av utredningen ( 23 st. SOU ) :
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Ds 1989:49
Ds 1989:51
Ds 1989:70
Källa : Sveriges riksdag / Regeringskansliets rättsdatabaser
Anders Biel har skrifter i biblioteksdatabasen
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Skrifter av Anders Biel i biblioteksdatabasen ( visar bara de 25 senaste ) :
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Tryding, Johan, Johansson-Näslund, Markus, Biel, Anders, Stigh, Ulf, Tuvesson, Oscar och Ristinmaa, Matti, Delamination of cellulose-based materials during loading–unloading conditions [Elektronisk resurs] Interface model and experimental observations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023, 279
Bödeker, Felix, Herr, Pauline, Moshfegh, Ramin, Biel, Anders och Marzi, Stephan, A novel FFT-based homogenization scheme for cohesive zones [Elektronisk resurs], 2022, Elsevier
Biel, Anders, Tryding, Johan, Ristinmaa, Matti, Johansson-Naeslund, Markus, Tuvesson, Oscar och Stigh, Ulf, Experimental evaluation of normal and shear delamination in cellulose-based materials using a cohesive zone model [Elektronisk resurs], International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 252
Stigh, Ulf och Biel, Anders, Effects of strain rate on the cohesive properties and fracture process of a pressure sensitive adhesive [Elektronisk resurs], Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 203, 266–275
Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, Strength and toughness in shear of constrained layers [Elektronisk resurs], International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 138, 50–63
Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, Cohesive zone modelling of nucleation, growth and coalesce of cavities [Elektronisk resurs], International Journal of Fracture, 2017, 204 nr 2, 159–174
From Kyoto to the town hall : making international and national climate policy work at the local level, 2016, Lundqvist, Lennart J. och Biel, Anders, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon
Biel, Anders, Collective action for the marine environment: Lessons from social dilemma research [Elektronisk resurs], 2015
Samhällspsykologi, 2012, Gärling, Tommy och Biel, Anders, 1. uppl., Liber, Malmö och Egypten
Samhällspsykologi, 2012, Biel, Anders och Gärling, Tommy, TPB, Johanneshov
Walander, Tomas, Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, An evaluation of the temperature dependence of cohesive properties for two structural epoxy adhesives [Elektronisk resurs], 2012, Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Biel, Anders, Johansson-Stenman, Olof och Nilsson, Andreas, The willingness to pay-willingness to accept gap revisited : the role of emotions and moral satisfaction, 2011, Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg
New issues and paradigms in research on social dilemmas, 2010, Biel, Anders, Springer, New York
New issues and paradigms in research on social dilemmas, 2008, Biel, Anders, Springer, New York
Hedesström, Ted Martin och Biel, Anders, Evaluating companies' social and environmental performance : current practice and some recommendations, 2008, Göteborg University, Göteborg
Biel, Anders, Mechanical behaviour of adhesive layers : experimental methods, cohesive laws, and fracture mechanics, 2008, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
Biel, Anders., Eek, Daniel., Gärling, Tommy. och Gustafsson, Mathias., New Issues and Paradigms in Research on Social Dilemmas [electronic resource], 2008, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, Boston, MA
Biel, Anders; Gustafsson, Biel, Anders och Eek, Daniel, New Issues and Paradigms in Research on Social Dilemmas [Elektronisk resurs], 2008, Springer US
From Kyoto to the town hall : making international and national climate policy work at the local level, 2007, Lundqvist, Lennart J. och Biel, Anders, Earthscan, London
From Kyoto to the town hall. [Elektronisk resurs] : making international and national climate policy work at the local level, 2007, Lundqvist, Lennart och Biel, Anders, Earthscan, London ; Sterling, VA
New issues and paradigms in research on social dilemmas [Elektronisk resurs], 2007, Biel, Anders, Springer, Dordrecht
Svensk miljöpsykologi, 2007, Biel, Anders, Johansson, Maria och Küller, Marianne, TPB, Enskede
Biel, Anders, Johansson-Stenman, Olof och Nilsson, Andreas, Emotions, morality and public goods : the WTA-WTP disparity revisited, 2006, Göteborg
Environmental information in the food supply system, 2006, Biel, Anders, Fuentes, C. och Carlsson-Kanyama, Annika, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI, Stockholm
Environmental information in the food supply system [Elektronisk resurs], 2006, Biel, Anders, Fuentes, C. och Carlsson-Kanyama, Annika, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI, Stockholm
Anders Biel har skrifter i SwePub hos Kungl. biblioteket (Artiklar och annat material av personer vid svenska lärosäten)
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Skrifter av Anders Biel i SwePub ( visar bara de 25 senaste ) :
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Bödeker, Felix, Herr, Pauline, Biel, Anders, Moshfegh, Ramin och Marzi, Stephan, An FFT-based homogenization scheme for cohesive zones with an application to adhesives and the core material of thin metal sandwich plates, Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics (Print), 2024, 129, : Elsevier
Tryding, Johan, Johansson-Näslund, Markus, Biel, Anders, Stigh, Ulf, Tuvesson, Oscar och Ristinmaa, Matti, Delamination of cellulose-based materials during loading–unloading conditions : Interface model and experimental observations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023, 279, : Elsevier
Biel, Anders, Tryding, Johan, Ristinmaa, Matti, Johansson-Naeslund, Markus, Tuvesson, Oscar och Stigh, Ulf, Experimental evaluation of normal and shear delamination in cellulose-based materials using a cohesive zone model, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 252, : Elsevier
Bödeker, Felix, Herr, Pauline, Moshfegh, Ramin, Biel, Anders och Marzi, Stephan, A novel FFT-based homogenization scheme for cohesive zones, Procedia Structural Integrity, 2022, 42, s. 490–497, : Elsevier
Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, Comparison of J-integral methods to experimentally determine cohesive laws in shear for adhesives, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2019, 94, s. 64–75, : Elsevier
Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, Strength and toughness in shear of constrained layers, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 138, s. 50–63, : Elsevier
Stigh, Ulf och Biel, Anders, Effects of strain rate on the cohesive properties and fracture process of a pressure sensitive adhesive, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 203, s. 266–275, : Elsevier
Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, Cohesive zone modelling of nucleation, growth and coalesce of cavities, International Journal of Fracture, 2017, 204 nr 2, s. 159–174, : Springer
Gärling, Tommy, Andersson, Maria, Hedesström, Martin och Biel, Anders, An experimental study of influences of performance-related payments on timing of delegated stock purchases, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2017, 18 nr 1, s. 78–85, : Informa UK Limited
Stigh, Ulf och Biel, Anders, Studies of fracture in shear of a constrained layer, Advanced Problems in Mechanics, 2017,, s. 420–428, St Petersburg : Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering RAS
Biel, Anders, Chaudhry, Mobina, Gustafsson, Stefan och Nygren, Håkan, The use of MgO-paste as a biodegradeable bone cement, Materials Today, 2016, 3 nr 2, s. 556–561, : Elsevier
Stigh, Ulf, Biel, Anders och Svensson, Daniel, Cohesive zone modelling and the fracture process of structural tape, Proceedia Structural Integrity, 2016, 2, s. 235–244, : Elsevier
Alfredsson, K. Svante, Biel, Anders och Salimi, Saeed, Shear testing of thick adhesive layers using the ENF-specimen, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2015, 62, s. 130–138, : Elsevier
Andersson, David, Azar, Christian, Biel, Anders, Bryngelsson, David, Drakenberg, Olof, Gärling, Tommy, Hedenus, Fredrik, Holmberg, John, Jagers, Sverker C., Larsson, Jörgen, Nässén, Jonas, Solér, Cecilia, Sterner, Thomas och Wirsenius, Stefan, DN Debatt: LRF och Svenskt flyg svarar inte om klimatmålen, Dagens Nyheter, 2015
Andersson, David, Azar, Christian, Biel, Anders, Bryngelsson, David, Drakenberg, Olof, Gärling, Tommy, Hedenus, Fredrik, Holmberg, John, Jagers, Sverker C., Larsson, Jörgen, Nässén, Jonas, Solér, Cecilia, Sterner, Thomas och Wirsenius, Stefan, Nu krävs kraftfulla åtgärder mot nötkött och flygresor, Dagens Nyheter och DN Debatt, 2015, 2015‑02‑27 och 2015‑02‑27
Biel, Anders och Stigh, Ulf, Measurement of tensile properties of fibres using a DCB-specimen, 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, 2015
Hedesström, Martin, Andersson, Maria, Gärling, Tommy och Biel, Anders, Effects of bonuses on diversification in delegated stock portfolio management, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2015, 7 nr September, s. 60–70, : Elsevier BV
Larsson, Jörgen, Bryngelsson, David, Hedenus, Fredrik, Wirsenius, Stefan, Nässén, Jonas, Drakenberg, Olof, Azar, Christian, Biel, Anders, Gärling, Tommy, Holmberg, John, Jagers, Sverker C., Solér, Cecilia och Sterner, Thomas, DN debatt: Nu krävs kraftfulla åtgärder mot nötkött och flygresor, 2015
Marzi, Stephan, Biel, Anders och Hesebeck, Olaf, 3D optical displacement measurements on dynamically loaded adhesively bonded T-peel specimens, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2015, 56, s. 41–45, : Elsevier
Biel, Anders, Alfredsson, K. Svante och Carlberger, Thomas, Adhesive Tapes; Cohesive Laws for a Soft Layer, Procedia Materials Science, 2014, 3, s. 1389–1393, Amsterdam : Elsevier
Jansson, Magnus och Biel, Anders, Investment institutions' beliefs about and attitudes toward Socially Responsible Investment (SRI): A comparison between SRI and Non-SRI management, Sustainable Development, 2014, 22 nr 1, s. 33–41, : Wiley
Marzi, Stephan, Hesebeck, Olaf, Brede, Markus, Nagel, Christof, Biel, Anders, Walander, Tomas och Stigh, Ulf, Effects of the bond line thickness on the fracture mechanical behaviour of structural adhesive joints, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society 2014, 2014,, s. 189–192, : Adhesion Society
Nilsson, Andreas, Hansla, André och Biel, Anders, Feeling the green? Value orientation as a moderator of emotional response to green electricity, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2014, 44 nr 10, s. 672–680, : Wiley
Sandberg, Joakim, Jansson, Magnus, Biel, Anders och Gärling, Tommy, Understanding the attitudes of beneficiaries: should fiduciary duty include social, ethical and environmental concerns?, Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty / edited by James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer., 2014,, s. 353–363, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
Stigh, Ulf och Biel, Anders, Shear properties of an adhesive layer exposed to a compressive load, Procedia Materials Science, 2014, 3, s. 1626–1631, : Elsevier
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